Eventful day

Quite some events today, Firefox is trying to establish a new world record for the most downloaded software in one day:

1. Happy Birthday!

It’s Diana’s Birthday! Happy Happy Birthdaaaaaaay!!! And I owe you a hike 🙂

It’s also Sir Paul McCartney’s birthday, so yeah, go brit pop!

2. Firefox Download Day!

Download Day is here!
Set a Guinness World Record
Enjoy a Better Web

Please download Firefox 3 by 11:16 a.m. PDT (18:16 UTC) on June 18, 2008. That’s 11:16 a.m. in Mountain View, 2:16 p.m. in Toronto, 3:16 p.m. in Rio de Janeiro, 8:16 p.m. in Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Rome and Warsaw, 10:16 p.m. in Moscow, and June 19, 2008 at 2:16 a.m. in Beijing and 3:16 a.m. in Tokyo.

Sounds like a good deal, right? All you have to do to help us set the record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours is get Firefox 3 now – it’s that easy. We’re not asking you to swallow a sword or to balance 30 spoons on your face, although that would be kind of awesome.

That means 21:16 Romanian time. The website promotig this is: http://www.spreadfirefox.com/en-US/worldrecord and you can get there a pdf certificate saying that you helped setting the world record, and even get more involved in helping grow Firefox, and of course, you can get FIREFOX there!

Download Day

3. History

And so on, this sems to be a pretty important day doesn’t it? Hopefuly on a personal level it will be as great as possible for each and every one of you!

PS: Good luck today Adelina!

Still alive, still kicking!

I returned from the mountain, but I had a hectic week start, so I didn’t have much time to write about it. I will do it tomorrow, and I’ll add the pictures I promised.

A couple of weeks ago I received a song, I listened to it, but I didn’t “hear” it. Today it came back to me… loud and clear.

Archive – F U

Archive – F U

There’s a look on your face I would like to knock out
See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth
All I want is to see you in terrible pain
Though we won’t ever meet I remember your name

Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to God I think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

You`re a scum, you`re a scum and I hope that you know
That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show
Now the world needs to see that it’s time you should go
There’s no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow

Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to God I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth
I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth
makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say
so much crap coming out it must take you all day

There’s a space kept in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
When you look at yourself do you see what I see
If you do why the fuck are you looking at me

There’s a time for us all and I think yours has been
Can you please hurry up cos I find you obscene
We can’t wait for the day that you’re never around
When that face isn’t here and you rot underground

Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

So fuck you anyway

Scoala de Vara

De la un mail cu titlul “Plescavita – brand Timisorean”, am ajuns  sa vad filmuletul de mai jos pe YouTube si apoi sa aflu mai multe despre Scoala de Vara.

Scoala de Vara “Romania secolului XXI” este un proiect al organizatiei studentesti VIP Romania (Voluntari pentru Idei si Proiecte). Vara anului 2008 aduce cea de-a noua editie a primei scoli de vara din Romania. Tema din acest an este Rebranding Romania.

Scoala de vara se desfasoara in Bucuresti, in perioada 30 iunie – 13 iulie 2008. Cazarea si masa sunt asigurate de organizatori, iar participarea este gratuita.

Se adreseaza studentilor din toate centrele universitare romanesti, si cu un pic de rusine ca aflu despre ea doar la a 9-a editie, sper sa mai deschid si altora “apetitul” pentru o schimbare. Ca fost voluntar, stiu ce importanta e si cea mai mica bucatica de promovare pe care poti sa o primesti de oriunde, asa ca nu va sfiiti si preluati postul.

Filmuletul de care vorbeam mai devreme, mai jos:

Site-ul lor este: www.scoaladevara.com
Si evident ca au si un blog: http://rebrandingromania.wordpress.com/

Hiking in Bucegi

Ziceam ieri ca vreau sa ma duc un pic la munte wekendul asta, asa ca sambata dimineata ma intalnesc in Busteni cu Iulia, si o luam frumos la picior spre cabana de pe varful Omu (2505m) via Valea Cerbului, unde ramanem peste noapte daca nu sunt probleme cu cabana (asta aflam abia maine) si ne intoarcem duminica spre Busteni pe traseul Vf. Omu – Saua Sugarilor(2295m) – Cabana Babele – Cabana Caraiman  – Valea Jepilor.

Ideea a fost a ei, si daca o sa imi rup picioarele, pe ea o sa dam vina, OK? E prima data cand merg in Bucegi sa fac un traseu de genul asta, singura experienta prin zona a fost in 2006 cred, cand am facut cu John Cioflica un traseu de 30 – 45 minute de la Babele unde am urcat cu telecabina pana la Crucea Caraiman si inapoi, deci nimic prea obositor.

Traseul de sambata (cu puncte albastre pe harta) Iulia l-a facut in 9 ore ultima data cand a fost, sper sa apuc sa dorm un pic pe tren, sa nu raman foarte tare in urma, iar traseul de duminica arata un pic mai dureros decat cel de sambata, dar dupa o noapte la cabana, si antrenamentul de cu o  zi inainte o sa fie OK.

Deci, urati-ne succes, si daca ati fost prin zona aia vreau un pic de feedback. Si daca nu ati fost in zona puteti sa ne dati feedback…

[Harta via Alpinet.org – Click to increase]

PS: Poze si mai multe detalii de luni incolo.

Yahoo!’ul si parolele lui

Later Edit: well, dupa o discutie cu Simona, se pare ca individul nu este disperat dupa o relatie, nu este intr-o relatie cu ea, nu i-a furat parola, ci a abuzat un pic de messengerul deschis pe calculatorul ei in timp ce ea era in alta parte. Totul a fost doar o farsa din partea lui… Recunosc ca putea sa iasa mult mai bine…

Articolul original

Cât de prost trebuie să fii, să iei parola cuiva de Yahoo!, să te loghezi în contul de messenger al acelei persoane, ÅŸi apoi să începi să vorbeÅŸti urât cu oamenii? e chiar trist aÅŸ putea spune…E ÅŸi mai trist, dacă se întâmplă să fie o persoană care e într-o relaÅ£ie cu persoana căruia i-a fost furată parola, sau care vrea o relaÅ£ie cu acea persoană… E trist să fii gelos pe niÅŸte nume într-o fereastră de messenger, fără nici o vină de altfel.

Eh, azi, cum stăteam eu la birou ÅŸi îmi contemplăm traseele din weekend, mă trezesc cu o discuÅ£ie “elevată” pe Y!M, ÅŸi evident, dacă mi-a fost ridicată mingea la fileu, de ce să nu jucăm? CitiÅ£i, ÅŸi cred că vă veÅ£i distra ÅŸi voi, măcar un pic…

(09:26:19 PM) simonas****: ba tzaranoiule, sa nu/mi mai scrii niciodata, ok?
(09:26:53 PM) .marius: poftim?
(09:27:02 PM) simonas****: hai marsh
(09:27:25 PM) .marius: ultima data cand ti-am scris a fost la tiff
(09:27:38 PM) simonas****: pai da, da sa nu se mai repete
(09:27:43 PM) .marius: aha
(09:27:47 PM) .marius: mai tii minte ce ti-am spus?
(09:28:17 PM) .marius: cred ca e un pic cam dificil din 2 motive
(09:28:27 PM) .marius: 1. ultima data ti-am scris la tiff 2007
(09:28:35 PM) .marius: 2. nu cred ca esti simona
(09:28:41 PM) .marius: si acuma, marsh tu
(09:28:47 PM) .marius: o seara faina
(09:31:00 PM) simonas****: hai sictir
(09:37:02 PM) .marius: altfel?
(09:37:04 PM) .marius: bine sanatos?
(09:37:16 PM) simonas****: dispari tzaranoiule
(09:37:30 PM) .marius: 😀
(09:37:44 PM) .marius: spune-i simonei sa ma sune
(09:37:50 PM) .marius: sa imi zica in fata chestia asta
(09:41:59 PM) .marius: i-ai spus?
(09:42:02 PM) .marius: nu sunanimic
(09:42:03 PM) .marius: 🙂
(09:43:28 PM) simonas****: da stii de ce nu suna?
(09:43:39 PM) .marius: uhmmm
(09:43:43 PM) .marius: stai sa ma gandesc
(09:43:47 PM) .marius: ca nu i-ai spus?
(09:43:48 PM) .marius: 🙂
(09:43:53 PM) simonas****: nu dragule
(09:44:05 PM) simonas****: pentru ca esti extrem de idiot, de aia
(09:44:14 PM) .marius: asta e un raspuns foarte bun
(09:44:22 PM) .marius: si se si potriveste in context
(09:44:23 PM) .marius: :)21:45
(09:45:36 PM) simonas****: daca esti tare tradu/mi din engleya in romana textul urmator
(09:45:56 PM) simonas****: what can I do for you?
(09:47:25 PM) .marius: =))
(09:47:53 PM) .marius: you actually want to do something for me, or you’re that stupid that you cannot translate a simple basic question?
(09:48:00 PM) .marius: oh
(09:48:11 PM) .marius: maybe another one of the guys you messaged replied with that answer
(09:48:19 PM) .marius: that could prove difficult to understand
(09:48:25 PM) .marius: doesn’t it?
(09:49:21 PM) simonas****: e clar, esti cam varya la engleya si ai si o parere extraordionara despre tine
(09:49:28 PM) simonas****: tipic pt un idiot
(09:49:50 PM) .marius: vezi ca esti pe tastatura in romana
(09:50:01 PM) .marius: s-au schimbat Z-ul si Y-ul intre ele
(09:50:02 PM) .marius: :))
(09:50:40 PM) simonas****: asta nu e atit de grav ca faptul de a crede ca stii egleza cind de fapt esti varza cu ciolan
(09:51:15 PM) simonas****: .marius: maybe another one of the guys you messaged replied with that answer
(09:51:26 PM) simonas****: .marius: that could prove difficult to understand
(09:51:34 PM) .marius: asa
(09:51:39 PM) .marius: ai invatat sa dai copy paste
(09:51:40 PM) .marius: 🙂
(09:51:49 PM) simonas****: esti bou, ce sa mai, gata
(09:51:53 PM) simonas****: over and out
(09:52:03 PM) .marius: deci sa nu uiti sa ii spui simonei sa ma sune
(09:52:04 PM) .marius: 😉
(09:57:45 PM) .marius: sau o sun eu?

Nu cred ca e cazul sa va spun ca respectiva persoana nu a mai zis nimic…

Da-i Ilie ca nu dai in m*-*a!

Am fost udat maxim azi. GROWL!!

Pe la unu jumate am simtit ca vine ploaia, (stiti voi, nori negri, vant puternic, alea alea…) m-am pregatit rapid sa ajung la job, imi incepeam tura pe la trei, si am zis ca ar fi o idee sa nu ma faca fleasca. Evident ca in momentul in care am bagat cheile in usa la plecare a inceput sa ploua… evident ca pana la taxi m-a facut varza, si apoi EVIDENT a inceput distractia: ploaie cu grindina, bucati de gheata cat niste bile de biliard (si din nou evident exagerez aici, dar erau mari), masini trase pe dreapta cu avariile pornite si un taximetrist nebun care incerca sa evite tampitii care nu erau opriti si circulau cu farurile stinse. Am ajuns intr-un final la birou, si cand am ajuns sus, evident s-a oprit ploaia. Someone up there didn’t like me today… 🙁

Ilie, e nenea ala cu sf. in fata, evident nu de la Science Fiction, care se spune ca ar da cu traznetele de sus. Si i-a dat azi, sa aiba!

Nu am mai scris in ultima vreme pe aici, nu ca nu as fi avut despre ce scrie, dar perioada a fost destul de incurcata. (nu, nu am vrut sa scriu incarcata…)

Stateam la un moment dat si ma intrebam unde e linia dintre ce e prea personal pentru a fi scris pe blog, si ce se poate scrie pe blog fara sa puna in situatii delicate pe nimeni, me included.

In alta ordine de idei, zbor weekendu asta pe munte un pic. A little bit of mind cleaning required. Ah, beware, poate scriu azi pe blog din nou! sau doar saptamana viitoare…Thinking about it.


Voi ce faceti weekendul asta?


Acum ceva vreme, redgrey. a lansat edinfo.eu, un portal destinat in principal elevilor, dar si parintilor si profesorilor. Ce is doreste acest portal, este informarea cat mai completa a utilizatorilor in legatura cu ofertele existente pe piata educationala romaneasca. Un liceu potrivit, un centru universitar/facultate potrivita, totul orientat spre beneficiarul final, elevul, viitorul student.

Proiectul se axeaza pe dezvoltarea unei retele de informare performante bazata pe cele mai avansate tehnologii de internet, propunandu-si pe viitor oferirea de informatii privind sistemul de invatamant european, oportunitatile de dezvoltare profesionala oferite de Uniunea Europeana, cursuri de formare profesionala on-line si biblioteci virtuale, si reprezinta o punte de legatura intre sistemul educational si elev, profesor, parinte si institutii.

Edinfo.eu este un proiect creat de S.C. Redgrey S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca.

Am colaborat in trecut cu redgrey. drept urmare scriu acest post, nefiind in nici un fel remunerat pentru acest post.

bad day?

Cateodata, chestiile nu se aseaza cum trebuie… Cateodata simti nevoia sa arunci chestii sa le spargi…

De obicei e bine sa nu exagerezi… Iesi la o tigara, faci o tura de parc sau bagi capul sub perna si incepi sa strigi… dar descarca-te singur, nu pe colegi sau pe chestiile din birou cum a facut cretinu din linkul de mai jos…

It´s funny though… cred ca ii rupeam picioarele!


[via Catalin]

Windows blows killing several…

Windows blows killing several win32 only programs in its path…

Din motive mai mult sau mai putin obiective, in ultima vreme, a se citi ultima jumatate de an, am folosit ca si sistem primar de operare pe laptop Windows XP Pro. Motivele obiective, tin de faptul ca am inceput sa il folosesc la birou cand lucram niste ore imposibile, in timpul serviciului nu puteam reinstala linuxul care era cam obosit, si windowsul mi-a oferit destula stabilitate o vreme, cu 2 GB de RAM si customizat la maxim. Cu timpul, m-am trezit ca incet incet windowsul magar mare cum e el de obicei, a inceput sa se miste tot mai fecal, si mai penibil, dar problema era alta… miliarde de setari, parole salvate prin diferite keychainuri, VPN´uri, chestii care s-au adunat si faceau tot mai greoaie trecerea de la wingoz inapoi la linux.

Pana azi…

…cand m-am trezit ca orice browser as folosi, paginile o iau razna, si dureaza o vesnicie pana reusesc sa fac ceva. Nu se poate asa, am nevoie de viteza, am nevoie sa lucrez cu browserul, nu imi ajunge consola si IM´ul. Nu mi se pare normal sa incarc pagina de la Google, da da, aia cu o singura imagine si ceva text in 4 – 5 minute de parca sunt iar pe vremea US Roboticsurilor puse pe linii inchiriate de la romtelecom acum 10 ani.

Am schimbat antivirusul de la avast la kaspersky, implicit scanat crap, si totul era OK, am upgradat toate pogramelele care le tineam rezidente in memorie la ultima versiune, verificat servicii, si apoi am chemat un specialist… Bogdan, care pana la urma, e Windows Admin din ala cu mcse´uri si chestii. Nimic. Problema continua.

Drept urmare, Carmen 2 se muta pe Ubuntu 8.04, pana apuc sa fac un backup la datele din windows si sa reinstalez. Dar, daca versiunea 8.04 nu o sa imi faca probleme cu revenirea din stand-by ca si cea precedenta, o sa revin si eu la Linux ca si sistem de operare primar. O sa reinstalez windowsul pentru chestiute mai delicate cum ar fi un CS (Counter Strike) din cand in cand, dar cam atat.

Go Ubuntu! Tweaking time!

Ah, daca apucati careva sa cititi asta in timp util, si v-ati batut de problema asta, va rog dati un semn… Sunt curios ce mama dracu ar putea sa aiba…

Summer day, happy happy happy!

Sunday morning, I wake up at 8 AM after a busy Saturday, and the first thing I see, is a happy birthday message on IM. WTF? It’s not my birthday until December… Then I connect the dots, and I realize it’s the 1’st of June, Child’s day. In Romania, happy birthday stands for happy anniversary also, so “Happy Birthday” to all of you out there, make sure you don’t lose the kid in you. The piece of you that enjoys the sun, that enjoys a good time just sitting around with friends, the innocence of childhood. We all grow up, and become… “grown ups”, but marching through life with just that it just ain’t worthed.

Life provides tests almost at every corner, small tests, big tests, hidden tests and upfront tests. Take them as they come, one at a time, enjoy the test, as much as the result, otherwise, is like taking a gondola in Venice for he first time just to get to the other  side of the canal. Try to see the big picture, try to prioritize. Do you really need that? no, that’s not a good question, the question would be: out of 3 things, A, B and C, which one is the most important? You are doing all of them at the moment, but are you sure you are giving everything for each one of them? is it worth spending all your time on more tasks than you can fulfill, or on tasks that you can barely fulfill?

I have a programming background behind me, and I could have become a programmer. I also have a server administration background, and I became a server administrator. What made me choose that? It was a coffee break at a Microsoft conference a few years ago, when talking to one of the key speakers I asked him condescendingly: “Just now, at this conference, you’re a Microsoft evangelist, you work with Microsoft servers, but what operating system do you have on your gateway/firewall server?” It was a stupid question, and I was 80% sure of the answer, and I was right: he whispered : “Linux of course…” But I’m not trying to make a point here about the pro’s and con’s of operating systems, the ongoing flame war between Microsoft & Linux, I’m just saying that, that little stupid question, helped starting a conversation between the speaker and I, private conversation, in the lobby. He was a good speaker, a good salesman, and a brilliant tech so I enjoyed every moment, but before going back inside, he gave me something to think about. He asked me: “Do you want to be a mediocre programmer in an age filled with programmers? Or do you want to be a brilliant server administrator? Think about it, and try to choose what’s best for you…” At the moment, I’m not a brilliant server administrator, but I’m a good one, and I’m improving daily. Still, from time to time, I start working on different projects, which take me off my “path”. Let’s consider A: Server Administration, B: Social life (family, friends) and C: one of those other projects. In order to do A+B+C one needs to make sacrifices on each one, in order to fulfill them, which means, being average, being mediocre. Try to focus on what’s most important of the three, try to see the big picture. Combining two of them is the ideal situation, but we never live in an ideal situation.

In real life, we always have A, B, C, D, E, F, […], Z. Try to prioritize in order to grow efficiency in order to become a brilliant nurse, a briliant restaurant chef, a brilliant photographer or landscape architect. Make sure you don’t sacrifice too much of what you really want to do, want to become, want to have, in order to achieve something which will only matter for a few seconds after completion.

Today is a happy day, even if for me it marks 8 years since I’ve last seen and hugged my sister…