De ce nu mai dorm eu bine…

De duminica noaptea incoace am inceput sa dorm aiurea… o fi primavara care si-a intrat in drepturi, luna plina, lipsa vitaminei H [WTF is that?! ], nu mi-am putut da seama pana azi, dar stiu sigur ca tot visam, si visam, si visam, si nu mai stiu ce visam  atat de inversunat incat sa nu pot sa dorm… 

Azi, in trecere pe la Zeus pe blog, am dat peste un clip de pe YouTube, si brusc mi-am dat seama ce se intampla in visele mele… 

Becks. Berea Becks

Va aduceti aminte de reclama de la Becks? Cum care? aia cu Heliul! [YouTube video] : “Am putea sa punem orice in bere, dar preferam sa pastram berea as it is de o suta zece mii de ani ca noi suntem aia care respectam reteta si suntem cei mai cool… (Niciodata nu mi-a placut Becks, si daca toata lumea scrie despre Stejar VS. Bergenbier, eu ma iau de astialalti…)

Anyway, aseara in Le General, vad o sticla e bar, la “display”, galbena… nuuuu sticla era alba, continutul era galben. Un galben din ala urina[Galbenul urina este din aceeasi serie cu Verde brotacel sau visiniu piersicuta…] Prima reactie a fost “Ce-i cu ceaiu’ asta?!” aaah, Becks nou? mda… Becks Green Lemon… Becks cu “un strop de lamuie lămâie…” Sounds like Pepsi doesn’t it? Si daca e GREEN LEMON, de ce e galbena?

Deci unde is ingredientele simple? Apa, hamei, malt si alte cele? Nu au mai ajuns? Va dati si voi dupa Redds? [care by the way, e extra extra weird… Aproape aduce a Salitos, dar mai are mult pana acolo…]

Luat sticla la inspectie, si mic mic mic mic mic mic de tot (din seria: ce-i mai mica si mai mica decat putZa de furnica? ) descoperim cantitatea de alcool: 2.5%… Deci cine vrea un ceai?!

[ Mami! mami! Ce e aia? O rosie puiule. SI de ce e galbena? Pentu ca e verde… ] Sa inteleg ca nu e coapta inca? Dupa ce se coace, ii creste si alcoolemia?

PS: inca nu am avut tupeu sa o incerc, si plec din cluj peste weekend. Daca o incercati voi, spuneti-mi daca merita..

Grand Opening “Le General”

New drinking place in town, with lots of enthusiastic people just waiting for it to open, “Le General“, On Eroilor Blvd., No. 18 in Cluj-Napoca. “Fireworks” expected on the opening day, Friday the 30th of November and many promises with lots of surprises.


Groparu wrote about this, and even had a party there… I’m sure he can vouch for the place also.

PS: And YES, they will have a darts board!!!!

PPS: This post is included in the “free publicity” category, the author did not receive any material compensation for writing this, and was done by the author’s free will and choice. Still waiting for a beer maybe 😉

Later Edit: People asked for the number of the pub, so here it is: 0745.307.161 – You can make reservations at this number.

Soma Cube

I decided to work down town today. Got my lappy in my backpack, decided on a location and went for it. 28 degrees outside, so I said I needed a place where I could chill out. I decided to go to La Tevi club, on Potaissa street. Yet another c*free hotspot I’m proud of. I got here, and I met Cornel, the voice of Guerrillas. We played some darts, we had a beer and a long talk, and now I’m enjoying my wireless freedom writing this entry on the blog, and taking a break from work.


Last night Simona, returned from France, and now the trio is back together. Ovidiu(her boyfriend), Simona and me. She was in Nice, France with an Erasmus Scholarship. All great up till now, just that she knew I liked puzzles and she got an interesting one for me. A Soma Cube!!! Thus, the title of the post. The puzzle is great, you get 7 distinct pieces of wood, which can be taken apart, and put back as a cube.

I googled it a bit, and I found a lot of history behind this puzzle. Never heard of it before, but still, a puzzle. 240 possibilities to use he 7 pieces and create the cube, so I guess I’ll start reading about it and trying to find them.

A search on Google for the Soma Cube will get you some nice results, so that you’ll know what I’m talking about. Getting back to work now, and trying to enjoy my work&chillout session…
