Happy BIRT Day!

legeneral.jpgSome of you maybe know, most probably don’t, but two days ago, on the 28th of December, I turned 25. YAY! Happy Birthday to ME!!!!! I accept presents post-event also 😉 Pictures from the “event”, can be seen here.

I did not make an error in the title of this post, just because I didn’t… Sitting here in Le General again, Josh, the owner asked everyone who was here to come to the bar, and we got a free drink because on the 29th, Le General was 1 month old!!!! Guess what Maria, a friend at our table said? YES! Happy BIRT Day! And hopefully many more to come.

If you don’t know where to find this club, just ask away… I think you can find a way to contact me pretty easily.

PS: For those of you who don’t know, “birt” is slang for pub 😉

Later Edit: And the picasa slideshow with pics from my party

Holiday Season, Special Season

I got this text last year around this time of year, from Pedro I think, and it brought a large smile on my face. I just received it by Y!M, so here it is:

One beautiful December evening Huan Cho and his girlfriend Jung Lee was sitting by the side of the ocean.
It was a romantic full moon, when Huan Cho said:
“Hey baby, how about playing Weeweechu?”
“Oh no, not now, lets look at the moon” said Jung Lee.
“Oh, c’mon baby, let’s you and I play Weeweechu. I love you and it’s the perfect time,” Huan Cho begged.
“But I rather just hold your hand and watch the moon.”
“Please Jung Lee, just once play Weeweechu with me.”
Jung Lee looked at Huan Chi and said, “OK, we’ll play Weeweechu.”….
Huan Cho grabbed his guitar and both sang….
“Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
and a happy New Year.”
(And all those with dirty minds – shame on you)

Indeed it is a special day today, it’s Mirela’s birth day, and Johnny’s Birthday. Mirela is my girlfriend if you didn’t figure that out yet, and Johnny is a good friend whom I am going to call in a few minutes. So Happy Birthday to both of you my friends.

Santa came early for me, and last night I got some nice gifts from people I love, and who won’t be in town for Christmas or my birthday, so thank you Catalin & Codruta. 🙂

Lorand Minyo, tagged me, and I have to write the best 5 moments this year brought… Here it goes:

  • Let me start with this article I wrote for WIF which got us on the front page of Digg and almost blew out some fuses of our hosting server: http://wirelessisfun.com/2007/02/20/dell-powered-by-linux/
  • Becoming a BEST Alumnus member was a moment filled up with emotion and pride.
  • I visited the Netherlands, and that was a highlight of the year, meeting new people, seeing a new culture. (pics)
  • During my visit in The Netherlands, I got some great news from home, Ovidiu and Simona will get married next summer 🙂
  • And last but not least, taking part at a job fair here in Cluj, provided me with extra reasons to be happy this Christmas. 😉

That being said, I’ll tag next the Trolls, Dobrestii and Groparu, and of course whoever else wants to take it.

PS: Talking about Groparu, I have some nice pictures with him, and some flowers he received on a date… *evil*

Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2007 si Hosted SharePoint 3.0 in Romania – ConneQt


Stiu ca saptamana trecuta faceam bashing la greu despre solutiile de hosting Microsoft, si azi apar cu postul asta care preaslaveste solutia de email (Exchange) si corporate file-sharing (SharePoint), dar pe partea asta, chiar am remarcat imbunatatiri sensibile fata de solutiile clasice. Mai jos aveti comunicatul de presa al SimpliQ Media & Technology in urma lansarii noii solutii.

Cluj-Napoca, 12 Decembrie 2007 – In premiera absoluta pentru Europa de Est, SimpliQ lanseaza in Romania serviciul ConneQt, bazat pe ultimele tehnologii de comunicare Microsoft, Exchange 2007 si SharePoint Services 3.0

E-mail-ul a devenit o unealta indispensabila pentru afaceri. Indisponibilitatea temporara sau permanenta a email-ului se reflecta prin pierderi financiare, clienti nemultumiti si piedici in desfasurarea activitatiilor zilnice.

E-mail-ul clasic este bazat pe o tehnologie inventata in anii ’80. Venind in intampinarea cerintelor tot mai complexe ale utilizatorilor business pentru comunicare si colaborare, Microsoft a lansat Exchange 2007 si SharePoint Services 3.0, servicii care acum sunt disponibile si in Romania, prin intermediul SimpliQ, partener Microsoft.

Aceste servicii sunt oferite in model SaaS (Software as a Service), astfel incat utilizatorii ConneQt pot beneficia de avantajele Exchange 2007 si SharePoint 3.0 la cateva minute de comanda, fara a fi nevoie de investitii majore initiale in hardware si software.

Serviciile de Hosted Exchange 2007 si Hosted SharePoint 3.0 au mii de utilizatori in intreaga lume, ele inlocuind cu mare succes solutiile clasice de comunicare si colaborare, tocmai din cauza avantajelor nete pe care le au asupra solutiilor deja invechite.

De ce un client ar alege Hosted Exchange 2007 si SharePoint 3.0 si nu o solutie clasica sau gazduita inhouse? Din foarte multe considerente. Pentru ca este o solutie gazduita intr-un centru de date profesional, clientul:

• Nu va trebui sa investeasca in hardware, licentiere sau training-ul departamentului sau tehnic, deci nu va avea costuri initiale
• Nu va trebui sa se ocupe constant de update-uri si upgrade-uri
• Nu va trebui sa se ocupe de problemele sistemului sau sa faca suport tehnic

Mai mult de atat, solutia ConneQt ofera o serie de facilitati care nu sunt disponibile printr-o solutie clasica si anume:

• Acces la mesajele, calendarele, sarcinile si agendele organizatiei sale, oriunde, oricand, in timp real
• Acces la documentele, proiectele si resursele organizatiei in timp real, oriunde s-ar afla
• Acces la toate informatiile companiei sale, de pe terminale mobile
• Serviciul este disponibil la cateva minute dupa comanda
• Contine solutii avansate de protectie impotriva virusilor si spam-ului
• Backup la toate informatiile

Aceasta solutie este destinata in principal companiilor care au nevoie de acces in timp real si securizat la e-mail, calendare, sarcini si agendele organizatiei precum si la documentele importante, pentru managementul proiectelor din cadrul unei organizatii, managementul resurselor, atat umane cat si fizice.

Ca si bonus, impreuna cu aceste solutii, SimpliQ va ofera GRATUIT si Outlook 2007, cea mai noua versiunea a celei mai folosite aplicatii email la ora actuala, prin intermediul careia clientul se poate conecta atat la Exchange 2007, cat si la Hosted SharePoint 3.0

Mai multe detalii puteti sa gasiti pe www.simpliq.ro

PS: Autorul acestui articol nu a fost remunerat sub nici o forma pentru acest post.



Via [Filip Chereches Tosa], am aflat azi despre StudentMarket.ro. O idee preluata de Andrei Gheorghe de pe afara, la fel ca si Ghelirul de acum cateva luni, cred ca o sa aiba un impact puternic in campusurile romanesti. Ai ceva de vanzare? iti faci un cont, il postezi si astepti sa apara cumparatorii! La fel, daca ai nevoie de ceva o sa vina si momentul (cat mai curand sper) in care sa gasesti cam orice ai avea nevoie acolo. Pe moment, am fost un pic trist sa vad ca nu exista nici un anunt din Cluj, dar sper ca acest articol sa schimbe putin situatia!

Designul arata foarte bine, este extrem de user friendly, si din cate am inteles, se lucreaza deja la extra features.

Keep it up guys!

PS: Autorul acestui articol nu a fost remunerat in nici un fel sa scrie despre acest nou start-up.

Windows based hosting vs Linux based hosting

Lately, Microsoft entered the hosting business with full throttle. The number of Windows servers available on the web for hosting purposes, VPS’s on Microsoft Windows 2003 or DDS’s on MSVS grows quite exponentially.

At this point the end user, the customer does not care much what platform he is hosted on (i.e. Linux or Windows) if he has a simple website, maybe a forum, a blog or something like that because technologies are intertwined: you can get an apache webserver both on windows and linux, and you can get ASP support on Linux. Maybe if he needs some VB applications to run he will definitely need windows based hosting, but that’s about it. He gets FTP to upload files, a control panel (i.e. SWSoft’s Plesk) to manage domains, mail addresses, databases, name servers etc. The main problem here is scalability. Thinking in the future, you need to decide if you are going to expand, and in which direction because you can easily switch from Linux to Windows, but the reverse is not that simple. I would suggest Linux of course, being much more secure, robust and efficient.

Today I had to delete 1 folder on a windows VPS. How much do you think that took? whatever you said, the answer is no! Let’s see:

  • remote desktop to the VPS – 15 seconds
  • locating the folder in question – another 10 – 15 seconds.
  • trying the delete button, checking permissions 1 minute
  • googling for something as trivial as “how to delete a directory with a space in its name” and finding the right solution: 15 minutes. (this is an extreme drawback… Windows problems, are often not well documented)

Add to that stopping the VPS from virtuozzo (vzctl stop VEID), mounting it on the VPS Node (vzctl mount VEID) and going to the mount point ( c:\vz\private\VEID\root\Inetpub\FtpUpload ) and then unmounting (vzctl umount VEID) and restarting the VPS (vzctl start VEID) nand you’ve got yourself a good 25 minutes spent on removing 1 folder:

C:\Inetpub\FtpUpload\ \ÿta18594-ÿ\ÿ-;; &20 @tagged .by; quit %f;;…-ÿ\ÿÿ-ÿÿ\ÿÿ–ÿ\ÿ-;% scanned by %d.-ÿ\ÿÿ-ÿ

My advice? stick to Linux. Why? because Linux is well documented, it has a great community behind, mature, and many many more qualities can go here.