Suntem pe gata…

Ce se intampla oameni buni?! Se intorc toate cu curu’ in sus [scuzati cuvantul sus ca nu am vrut sa fiu… stiti voi cum] Avem copii de gimnaziu care presteaza blowjoburi in buzile scolii, preasfantul Becali a fost arestat sau cel putin dus la politie pentru audieri in ideea in care daca Steaua tot nu bate pe nimeni, macar el si Smarandescu sa bata pe cineva, Skype a anuntat ca va lansa versiuni ale aplicatiei lor pentru device-uri BlackBerry si pentru aifoane [iPhone], dar bomba zile vine de la, care ne arunca verde in fata de ce marijuana ar trebui legalizata…   

Asa ca, Why drink and drive, when you can smoke and fly!? 

Acest articol se vrea un pamflet, mai putin faza cu Skype si marijuana.. Dar stiati asta, nu?! 


A while ago I sw this movie, and I think it’s time I shared it with you. 

This is the description rom the author, and you might get some insight from his words and explanations… 

You call people by what they accept, not by what they dont.
In this sense the word atheist is redundant.

I accept physical evidence and reasoned logic (PEARL), the core of the scientific method.

It has made our standard of life vastly better.

It has also delivered us incredible destructive power. In a society like this those who act on faith (without evidence) are an increasing hazard to us all.

The power that science delivers us must be wielded responsibly, else there will be noone left to discuss the folly.

Doomsday, end of times Christians like PCS (posterboy for creationist stupidity) lust and desire the end of the world.

Religion such as this in a society such as ours is simply a recipe for disaster.