Looking for a Flex Developer

Back in November I changed jobs, and started working for Satori Technologies. 

The company is looking for a talented Flex Developer, so if you are good with flex, or you know someone that is good with Flex, let us know! 

Below you have the company’s “ad”:

Flex Developer

We are looking for hard working and experienced Flex/Flash/Actionscript 2-3/FMS ninja with passion for creating intuitive and attractive Rich Internet Applications.


– Create stunning Flex/Flash user interfaces and complex user interactions;
– Deliver quality, object oriented Actionscript (2&3) code;
– Create custom Flex components;
– Customize/Skinning of the Flex controls/UI in respect to the graphics provided by our great designers;
– Optimize the flash output for best performance and size;
– Document your work;
– Have fun while working !
– Experience with Flash Media Server and streaming related technologies is a huge bonus;
– An eye for good taste in design is a huge plus;
– Great attention to details is a must!

Please send us your resume at jobs@satori.ro

Air Marshall

Stateam la un moment dat si ma gandeam la joburi misto pe care le-ar putea face un om.

Azi mi-a venit in minte jobul de Air Marshall. Ce este un Air Marshall? Este un ofiter, care teoretic ar trebui sa fie la bordul oricarui avion comercial, singura persoana dintr-un avion care are voie sa poarte o arma de foc si persoana care ar trebui sa rezolve problema unui atentat terorist. Acuma, nu stiu exact cate companii aeriene au acest Air Marshall la bord, dar ideea mi se pare ok. Evident, e destul de periculos sa introduci intentionat o arma in cabina unui avion, dar poate fi destul de eficienta miscarea.

Acuma, de ce mi se pare ca un Air Marshall ar fi un job misto? Pai, in prima faza “boys and guns”… Police officer… lalala stiti voi ideea aia cand eram noi mici si toti ne vedeam politisti, pompieri sau piloti, eh, asta e unul din aia de mai sus, sau chiar unu’ jumate. Posibilitatea unui atac terorist chiar pe zborul tau ca si Air Marshall, e destul de redusa, calatoresti o gramada, which is cool, orele nu pot sa fie atat de multe dat fiind factorul de stres/risc/oboseala.

Nu suna bine? Ce dream-joburi aveti voi, altele decat cele direct legate de scoala pe care o faceti sau ati facut-o?