@Catalin: mai sunt si exceptii care confirma regula… ;-)
@Dyno era vorba de cu totul altceva aici :) au treut ceva tzatze prin fata ta si te-ai pierdut?
@Corina pai nu?!
@Lexa Dupa ce se chinuie omu sa va cucereasca, sincer, depinde numai de voi sa il tineti acolo… nu crezi?
@Gropariu aka Zie UnderTaker: Deci nene, e vorba de “the ol’ ball and chain” here…
bored is boring ;)
so the two of them are a perfect match, boring each other.
oh, the beauty of… (?!?!!?) “love”! :)
@Catalin: that’s utter bullshit or your relationship is one week old. you cannot tell me, ok you can tell me but that don’t make it true, that there’s nothing about her that makes you twitch like you got an electric shock in the side of your neck
I feel compelled to comment. In my case it`s not true. Perry, woul`d u agree?
Catalin’s last blog post..Wolff Consulting Partnership Announced
Nici eu … nu cred ca m’as plictisi sa admir ever vesnicii nuri ai persoanelor de tip XX.
Va las ca ma duc sa joc un fotbal cu niste cromozomi XY.
:)) buna!
this is depressing. perry, you ruined my day, thank you very much
Hmmm… da’ unde-s vreo 60 de hot chicks? Ha??? Toate next to him?
Groparu’s last blog post..Dialog imaginar cu Jorg Haider
@Catalin: mai sunt si exceptii care confirma regula… ;-)
@Dyno era vorba de cu totul altceva aici :) au treut ceva tzatze prin fata ta si te-ai pierdut?
@Corina pai nu?!
@Lexa Dupa ce se chinuie omu sa va cucereasca, sincer, depinde numai de voi sa il tineti acolo… nu crezi?
@Gropariu aka Zie UnderTaker: Deci nene, e vorba de “the ol’ ball and chain” here…
bored is boring ;)
so the two of them are a perfect match, boring each other.
oh, the beauty of… (?!?!!?) “love”! :)
@Catalin: that’s utter bullshit or your relationship is one week old. you cannot tell me, ok you can tell me but that don’t make it true, that there’s nothing about her that makes you twitch like you got an electric shock in the side of your neck