Puteti invata limba chineza in 5 minute, fara nici un alt cost ascuns decat eventual cateva lacrimi de ras!
Puneti mana acum, si formati 0-800-345 Stati ca am gresit decorul…
Puteti invata limba chineza in 5 minute, fara nici un alt cost ascuns decat eventual cateva lacrimi de ras!
Puneti mana acum, si formati 0-800-345 Stati ca am gresit decorul…
Well, Today I’m going to make a small review of a BETA project I’ve stumbled upon a while ago. It was in my to-do list for a while now, so considering my lack of inspiration in other fields, I decided to give it a go.
ADrive is one of those companies that offer free online storage, for your files. I created an account, I played around a bit, and I must say I’m quite satisfied with what I saw there.
Their extensive FAQ also covers some basic questions, but also they leave some doors open, like:
Q: Is it possible to stream the media (music, video, etc…) I have uploaded from ADrive?
A: Not at this time, no.drive
Which sounds to me like a “plan”, together with the “computer backup” option, and the desktop ADrive client, said to come soon.
But talking about coming soon, this is what they have in store for their users in the near future:
Personalized Snapshots
Retrieve older versions of your files using snapshot technology. Schedule your own snapshots to backup and protect your stored data.Disaster Recovery
Soon to roll out is our complete disaster recovery solution for your stored data. We have an off-site DR facility in a secure, rural location in the case of natural disaster at any of our main data center locations.Data Encryption
Utilizing enterprise encryption, we will be providing different methods to encrypt and protect your data.SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)
The only thing I don’t exactly “like” about it, is the java uploader, but that is at the moment necessary for folder uploads I suppose.Well, at least I learned how to clear my Java cache.
So, as far as I’m concerned, I’m going to further test them, and try to find a good use for those 50 GB of space, and if you used them and have something to share with the rest of us, don’t be shy write below.
*) This post was in no way remunerated by anyone affiliated or not with ADrive, nor am I affiliated in anyway with ADrive more than a simple user of their service.