New drinking place in town, with lots of enthusiastic people just waiting for it to open, “Le General“, On Eroilor Blvd., No. 18 in Cluj-Napoca. “Fireworks” expected on the opening day, Friday the 30th of November and many promises with lots of surprises.
Groparu wrote about this, and even had a party there… I’m sure he can vouch for the place also.
PS: And YES, they will have a darts board!!!!
PPS: This post is included in the “free publicity” category, the author did not receive any material compensation for writing this, and was done by the author’s free will and choice. Still waiting for a beer maybe 😉
Later Edit: People asked for the number of the pub, so here it is: 0745.307.161 – You can make reservations at this number.
Zi-mi te rog un nr de telefon de acolo ca vreau sa fac o rezervare si nu gasesc nimic…merci!
Salut georgi, habar nu am:)
Check above
Extrem smoke! Beware! Take you gas mask, and fire extingushers too.
multumesc de internet, ca din toate povestile cu hotspoturi pe Eroilor in Cluj, doar al vostru functioneaza. stau si eu linistit pe o banca si ma uit pe net, chiar daca pana acum n-am stiut de local si nici acum nu stiu pe unde se intra. numai bine…