E nebunie mare la mine acasa… WiFi everywhere…
Tag Archives: wifi
Wireless Is Fun
It’s been a while since I took some time to write an article for WirelessIsFun, and kept postponing the “return” over and over again, but today, I just wrote a new article, and I’ll try to keep up, and give it some more time in my schedule.Â
The article is about Ideal WiFi network setups in large homes, and I know it will be useful to some of you.Â
You can read it here.
Momente kodak
Prin centru azi cu Traian, cautam un loc de parcare… lipsa locuri de parcare evident, si vedem un Smart, parcat cumva extrem de stramb pe langa Hotel Victoria. Asa nu ar fi fost nimic daca nu ar fi avut un numar predestinat… CJ $$ TIR… ne pufneste pe amandoi rasul, si mergem mai departe…
Gasim loc de parcare undeva in fata Shopului Orange de pe 1 Decembrie 21 Decembrie, si pornim spre Flowers Tea House. In fata la Sora, vedem o pereche de picioare interminabile, la posesor. O domnisoara cu blanita, blugi stramti, si cizme trendy. Eu si restul masculilor feroce de pe trotuar ne stergem saliva adunata in coltul buzelor, si dam sa mergem mai departe. Un claxon subtil, ne intoarcem, vedem un politist comunitar cum isi astepta “clientii” la amenzi si apoi vedem perechea de picioare cum se chinuie sa incapa intr-un Tico… Am mai ras o data… (Note to self: Trebuie sa imi cumpar Tico!)
Intre timp, cafeaua este buna in “Le General“,WiFi’ul merge cam prost azi, dar e acceptabil.
Poza zilei, am primit-o zilele trecute pe mail:
Grand Opening “Le General”
New drinking place in town, with lots of enthusiastic people just waiting for it to open, “Le General“, On Eroilor Blvd., No. 18 in Cluj-Napoca. “Fireworks” expected on the opening day, Friday the 30th of November and many promises with lots of surprises.
Groparu wrote about this, and even had a party there… I’m sure he can vouch for the place also.
PS: And YES, they will have a darts board!!!!
PPS: This post is included in the “free publicity” category, the author did not receive any material compensation for writing this, and was done by the author’s free will and choice. Still waiting for a beer maybe 😉
Later Edit: People asked for the number of the pub, so here it is: 0745.307.161 – You can make reservations at this number.
Websites: new, old, useful, funny etc.
Well, I believe we all have our habits on the web. And by habits, I mean things we do, tools we use, things we laugh at.
I spend most of my day online, due to my line of work and thus I use lots of sites and tools offered by these sites. Also, everyday I get spammed with lots of crap by mail or instant messenger, so I decided to compile a list of sites I visit. Because of the quantit, i decided to add a maximum of 10 links for each category.
- Work related:
- One of the primary sites I use everyday, not only for work but for personal use is of course Google: http://www.google.com; Included in this package Gmail, google maps, picasaweb, google reader etc.
- http://www.dnsstuff.com offers some great tools for SysAdmins like myself.
- http://whatsmyip.org does exactly what it says in the name.
- http://www.swsoft.com are the developers of Plesk, Virtuozzo, HSPcomplete, Pleask Expand and so on, not-free virtualization software used on many of the servers I administrate, with an incredible amount of information on their forums regarding this software.
- http://debianadmin.com contains lots of articles related to Debian and Ubuntu, the Linux distributions I mainly use.
- http://tldp.org The Linux Documentation Project – I think the title covers it… 🙂
- http://www.mxtoolbox.com has some nice tools for Mail Exchanger testing and lookup.
- http://sourceforge.net is a an incredible source for open source scripts and software, used by developers worldwide to promote their work.
- http://www.w3.org the World Wide Web consortium portal. HTML/XML/CSS documentation and tutorials.
- http://php.net PHP documentation.
- News I use/trust:
- http://slashdot.org News for nerds, Stuff that matters. Their description is quite obvious.
- http://freshmeat.net maintains the Web’s largest index of Unix and cross-platform software.
- http://www.engadget.com great content, covers most of the IT spectrum, and sometimes they screw it up. badly, but nonetheless great source of information.
- http://cnn.com news around the world.
- http://news.google.com more news.
- http://digg.com When normal users make the news, the rest of decide what’s important. Do you digg?
- http://wifinetnews.com WiFi networking news.
- http://www.wi-fiplanet.com WiFi news again.
- http://hotnews.ro Romanian news portal.
- http://www.linuxtoday.com Linux News.
- Blogs I read and write for:
- http://www.wirelessisfun.com I am one of the co-founders and main editors of WiF.
- https://marius.wirelessisfun.com this blog you are reading now.
- http://clujblogroll.com Cluj-Napoca bloggers community
- http://andreicrivat.ro Andrei Crivat, politics, journalism, food etc.
- http://fenomental.com Alex Bejan with lots of different subjects.
- http://lucianboariu.wordpress.com Radio DJ, cool guy.
- http://andressa.ro Andress, care scriu pentru ratoni, veverite, pisici si pentru ca ii place.
- http://mirandolina.wordpress.com Fana, good friend, airplane addict.
- http://jeg.stuffo.info Darius… you need to read it to understand it…
- http://litics.blogspot.com Marius writes a Reverse journal. With stuff that will happen…
- Fun & Games: (I spend my spare moments on these sites. Some daily, some not so often)
- http://www.tribalwars.net An online game I’ve been playing for the last 3 months or so.
- http://wulffmorgenthaler.com Daily comics…
- http://pidjin.net Fredo & Pidjin the evil pigeons.
- http://www.thechurchofgoogle.org oh yeah baby… right after scientology, Googlism is here, with the true goddess… GOOGLE…
- http://elgoog.rb-hosting.de/index.cgi GOOGLE | ELGOOG
- http://www.blogshares.com 🙂
- http://www.deviantart.com Lots of artists, and wannabes… cool stuff usually.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google’s_hoaxes Every April 1st, Google plays some jokes on us. Here is an inventory of those jokes.
- http://bash.org lots of funny quotes.
- http://www.muonline.com My favourite MMORPG. I played for a few years, now I’m not addicted anymore!
- Interesting stuff: (curiosity)
- http://wikipedia.org You do know Wikipedia… right!?
- http://howstuffworks.com Amazing amount of information about almost everything.
- http://thinkgeek.com laser beams? binary clocks? they have it!
- http://uncyclopedia.org The funny side of Wikipedia.
- http://www.imdb.com I like to watch movies. This is where I get my ratings and reviews for them.
- http://www.tv.com More than movies, I like TV series. This is where I look them up.
- http://digitalblasphemy.com Surreal images, wallpapers, drawings and so on.
- http://babelfish.altavista.com Online translator.
- Crap, more crap, and the rest of the crap (Tings I got by mail and Instant Messenger lately)
- http://www.youtube.com oh yeah… you know it.
- http://www.hi5.com Stupid social network. I get invites every week…
- http://www.endoftheinternet.com 🙂
- …
And of course, now I got bored, and I’m leaving the list open… Do you want me to add some stuff here? post a comment.
Festivalul International de Film Transilvania – TIFF
Incepand de maine, 1 Iunie, la Cluj incepe Festivalul International de Film Transilvania. Editia a 6-a promite multe lucruri misto, si sincer sa fiu abia astept sa vad ce o sa fie. Ca si o noutate, anul acesta va avea loc si o prima editie la Sibiu a festivalului. Sibiu, capitala culturala a Europe, nu putea fi lasata pe dinafara.
c*free va acoperi locatiile din Cluj cu internet wireless si probabil si Piata Sfatului din Sibiu. Astfel, la cinema Republica, la meeting point in Terasa Muzeului de Arta (P-ta Unirii) si la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor din Cluj-Napoca pe durata festivalului, cautati cu notebook’urile sau device-urile WiFi enabled SSID’ul: c*free (TIFF) pentru a fi la festival, si online in acelasi timp.
Mai multe detalii despre eveniment www.tiff.ro
In drum spre Bucuresti
Azidimineata pe la 7 am pornit cu Dan spre Bucuresti. Cluj – Turda – ALba Iulia – Sibiu – Valea Oltului…
Momentan suntem in Caciulata, si ne dam un pic pe WiFi bineinteles. Drumul este bun, nu foarte aglomerat. Un nebun cu un Volvo calca la greu pedala si tot disparea din fata noastra, doar ca sa il gasim in spatele unui tir pe care nu il putea depasi… cred ca era sa faca si vreo 2 accidente, dar a scapat. Am facut si cateva poze, un pic cam supraexpuse, o sa le pun online un pic mai tarziu. Talk to you later.
Caciulata, Valea Oltului… Soare puternic! Coafura rezista… WiFi-ul e genial!
15 minute de glorie…
Se pare ca a avut si wirelessisfun.com cele 15 minte de glorie bine meritate. Ne-am trezit pe prima pagina de la digg.com ieri, si nu stiam de ce incepe sa creasca numarul de vizitatori 🙂 Pana la urma, dupa ce a trecut macelul si si-a revenit un pic serverul, ne-am dat seama ca mai vrem… Cateva statistici dupa “eveniment” peste 9.000 de vizitatori unici, peste 10.000 de page loads si peste 1.100 diggs. Yay!
In alta ordine de idei, nu mai am zahar si imi beau cafeaua amara azi… Vinul fiert din Insomnia lasa de dorit, hotspotul gratuit WiFi ofera o mica distractie si conexiunea lor la internet nu este chiar asa lousy cum era asta vara. Clubul La Tevi (Strada Potaissa) a organizat un mirobolant concurs de darts duminica trecuta. Andrei, patronul, promite ca va reveni tot la 2 saptamani cu aceasta competitie, intrare in concurs 10 RON, fisele sunt din partea barului, se joaca 1 la 1, jocul este 501, cu master out, no bull, 2 out of 3 in prima runda, apoi se merge mai departe. Premiile sunt pentru locurile 1 si 2: se impart banii stransi din taxa de participare, si tot Andrei zicea ceva de un set nou nout de sageti Assasin de 18g *yummy*. Sper sa ajung si eu saptamana urmatoare, si sa revin cu niste poze. Barul are si un hotspot WiFi de la c*free, deci este ca o a doua casa pentru mine dupa Teahouse Flowers.