Spreading information

Last weeks I’ve been watching a TV series called Jeremiah, starring Luke Perry, (Dylan from Beverly Hills 90210) and some other unknown guys. The show is not exactly strong, nor good, I would rate it 5 maybe 6 on a scale from 1 to 10, but it had to do…

One line that I liked, was something like:

If you want to let people know about something, you have 3 ways:

  • Television
  • Telephone or
  • Tell a friend…

It was damn funny, and it’s also quite true.

Bâiguieli de duminica seara.

Aproape 2 ani de zile am avut UPC,  si tot auzeam lumea ca se plange in dreapta si in stanga “nu imi merge”, “se deconecteaza”, “nu pot sa downloadez” bla bla. In doi ani de zile, am avut parte de 5 – 6 deconectari, care s-au rezolvat cu o resetare de modem, sau asteptat maxim jumatate de ora sa isi revina. Banda acceptabila, peering frumos etc. Singura chestie care m-a deranjat era ca trebuia sa platesc si abonamentul TV in pachet, dar pana la urma, cu un TV Tuner s-a rezolvat si problema asta. Am fost mai norocos decat altii? Se pare ca da. De cateva zile insa, am inceput sa vad un comportament extrem de aiurea din partea UPC’ului. Pe scurt, merge ca p#%@…

Momentan la birou, mergem pe conexiunea secundara, EuroWeb, care evident se misca total aiurea. Acasa am RDS acum. Fiberlink. Denumirea  frumoasa pentru PPPoE. Deja m-au enervat intr-o zi cu conectivitate extrem de aiurea, dar in rest merge bine. Si e mai ieftin 😉

Un individ a cumparat NightBuyers.eu si a facut o mica clona la NightBuyers.ro.  As merge pana acolo incat sa ii zic retard, dar a facut o miscare inteligenta. Sa ii stea in gat.

Stargate Atlantis a fost iar degeaba saptamana asta. Vreau Jericho! si 24! intre timp, ma delectez cu Jeremiah.

Am fost in Iulius sambata si am gasit o geaca misto la Sprider, dar  era ultima. S-a dus…

Si as mai avea multe de rantuit acum, dar am prea mult de lucru… un cretinel s-a gandit sa exploateze o vulnerabilitate dintr-un cluster de servere, si a reusit sa modifice toate fisierele index.* Am un fisier text de 8.8MB cu locatiile fisierelor afectate… 🙁 auch!

Battlestar Galactica: Razor

BSG LogoI followed the series, I enjoyed the series, and I was waiting for the 4th season with my fingers crossed. Long time until April, but they surprised me pleasantly when Razor got out. Many people I spoke with did not like it, the way the camera moved, the dialogues, the fact that the story was dragging in the last season, but except the former, I think everything is part of the BSG charm. Cursing with “frak/frack“, or all those reports, notebooks, pictures or whatever piece of paper in the movie with the severed corners, making it “unique”.

Razor covers two time lines, the present, where Lee Adama becomes the Pegasus “Actual” and the adventures of Battlestar Pegasus in the 10 months between the attack on the colonies and the rendezvous with Battlestar Galactica through flashbacks, but I’m not going to spoil it here… I’ll let you decide for yourselves.

I don’t do movie reviews usually, but then again, this is not a movie… this is starting to become a saga, and deserves a special place in my “favorites list” right near Star Trek, Stargate and some others. Anyhow, this opened up my appetite for movie/series reviews, so I’m adding two new categories to my cloud: Movies & Tv.

Websites: new, old, useful, funny etc.

Well, I believe we all have our habits on the web. And by habits, I mean things we do, tools we use, things we laugh at.

I spend most of my day online, due to my line of work and thus I use lots of sites and tools offered by these sites. Also, everyday I get spammed with lots of crap by mail or instant messenger, so I decided to compile a list of sites I visit. Because of the quantit, i decided to add a maximum of 10 links for each category.

And of course, now I got bored, and I’m leaving the list open… Do you want me to add some stuff here? post a comment.

Do you want Joost?

Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internet

I’ve been a betatester for Joost for a long time now, and with a decent internet connection, you get to watch lots of shows online, and free for the time being. Their motto is “TV Anywhere, Anytime” and they mean it.

For the ones that don’t know what Joost is, just read below, and watch the short clip.

What’s Joost?

Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds of full-length shows and easy channel-flipping.

Inside the box

You get great internet features too, such as search, chat and instant messaging, built right into the program – so you find shows quickly and talk to your friends while you watch. And with no schedules to worry about, you can watch whatever you want, whenever you like – as often as you want. Joost is completely free, and works with most modern PCs and Intel Mac-based computers with a broadband connection. Get Joost today!

Using an invite system, all betatesters can now invite as many friends as they want, and until now I only got one request for an invite from Marius. On my left sidebar, you can see my “Joost BetaTester” badge and my “Joost, I’ve got invites” badge. Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internet

So, if you want an invite, just post a comment here, or send me an e-mail: marius [at] wirelessisfun {dot} com

Later Edit: Don’t write your e-mail address in the body of the comment, unless you are aglutant for spam!… just fill up the e-mail address in the comment form 😉

m-am intors

Da da, stiu, stiu… nu am scris de multa vreme pe aici, dar sunt convins ca nu mi-ati simtit lipsa asa de tare 😉 Poate ati gasit si voi ceva mai bun de facut. Revin dupa o pauza, in timpul stirilor de la ora 5, traiasca PRO TV’ul si cazurile “cutremuratoare”.

In prima faza, multe multumiri domnului Dan Iridon, pentru ca a preluat ultimul meu post, cel cu 2% pentru copii cu dizabilitati. In aceeasi faza, (prima, care este), vreau sa ii spun mai susnumitului, si autonumitului “oedip” ca si publicitatea negativa este tot publicitate. Multumim.

O mare de aplauze merge spre Darius si spre ultimele lui posturi care ca de obicei m-au facut sa zambesc de la o ureche pana la cealalta. (da da, urechile alea mari 😉 )

Ce am facut in ultima vreme? m-am plimbat un pic, m-am jucat in draci un MMORPG (MUonline), si am cautat pe ici pe colo un job care sa imi placa… Am ajuns la concluzia ca sunt foarte… errrrm… mofturos.

Si ca sa termin pe o nota distractiva, va invit sa vizualizati/cititi cu atentie doua imagini 😉

Numai bine!

Astral UPC o ia la fuga!


O veste buna pe ziua de azi!

Astral / UPC o ia la fuga, si nu pleaca nicaieri. Au marit abonamentele, sau cel putin viteza garantata celor 3 abonamente destinate homeuserilor. Eram foarte socat azi de ce downloadez cu ceea ce calculam eu a fi undeva la 3.7 Mbits/secunda (intre 400-500 KBytes/s ), constant… Am ramas placut surprins sa vad ca toate abonamentele au fost modificate, doar ca viteza, si nu ca pret, drept pentru care abonamentul meu de 1Mbit/s a zburat pana la 4 Mbit/s… YAY!!!!! cei de la 512 Kbit/s au sarit la 1Mbit/s si cei de la 1.5 Mbit pana undeva la 6 Mbit/s. O veste geniala, nu sunteti de acord?
Normal ca ma deranjeaza in continuare ca pe factura mea apare si abonamentul TV, pe care nu il folosesc neavand un televizor in casa, dar ma gandesc sa imi iau un TVTuner si au inceput si un control mai “activ”, sa ii spun asa, asupra adreselor MAC ale calculatoarelor din retea, scotand din uz cateva routere pe care le avem prin cluj prin c*free, dar si asta se poate rezolva cu un telefon.

Go Go Astral / UPC 😉