In Bruges

midgetDupă ce am așteptat aproape 3 zile să se downloadeze, și după un început destul de anost, In Bruges s-a dovedit a fi o comedie neagră remarcabilă. Am râs cu lacrimi, de fazele stupide, și în continuare îmi place minunata idee romantică servită de atâta vreme în filme: codul dintre hoți si criminali, ideea de loialitate între ei, onoarea care nu trebuie să fie pătată sub nici o formă, altfel devii doar un alt papagal nesemnificativ. Vouă nu vi se pare interesant conceptul?

Un pic plictisitor la început, fazele comice întârzie să apară, dar când își dau drumul,  o fac cu brio! Umorul britanic e senzaÈ›ional de cele mai multe ori, ca o gură de aer proaspăt la clasicele glume, extrem de previzibile de altfel, din filmele americane. Partea dramatică, nu poate să lipsească dintr-o comedie neagră e È™i ea prezentă acolo, intrigând È™i vrăjind in acelaÈ™i timp cu flash-backuri È™i întâmplări curente merge ca unsă până la final. Despre latura romantică, nu pot să spun decât că e “un pic” cam trasă de păr, È™i se potriveÈ™te ca nuca în perete în context, dar se poate face abstracÈ›ie de ea.

Toate puse la un loc, fac un film mai mult decât decent, așa că îi rămân dator vândut Georgianei pentru că mi l-a recomandat, și thumbs up pentru Collin Farrell, care nu e unul din favoriții mei, dar m-a surprins plăcut.

Piticul din poză, e Jordan Prentice pe care l-am tot văzut pe ici pe colo, și mi-a placut. Poza e luată de pe IMDB.

Today’s Joke

Comes all the way from Bistrita via Trollii:

A Chinese walks into a bar in America late one night and he sees Steven Spielberg. As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for his autograph. Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says:

– “You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbour, get outta here.”

The astonished Chinese man replied:

– “It was not the Chinese who bombed your Pearl Harbour, it was the Japanese”.

– “Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, you’re all the same!” replied Spielberg. In return, the Chinese gives Spielberg a slap and says:

– “You sank the Titanic, my forefathers were on that ship.”

Shocked, Spielberg replies:

– “It was the iceberg that sank the ship, not me.”

The Chinese replies,

– “Iceberg, Spielberg, Carlsberg, you’re all the same for me.”

Battlestar Galactica: Razor

BSG LogoI followed the series, I enjoyed the series, and I was waiting for the 4th season with my fingers crossed. Long time until April, but they surprised me pleasantly when Razor got out. Many people I spoke with did not like it, the way the camera moved, the dialogues, the fact that the story was dragging in the last season, but except the former, I think everything is part of the BSG charm. Cursing with “frak/frack“, or all those reports, notebooks, pictures or whatever piece of paper in the movie with the severed corners, making it “unique”.

Razor covers two time lines, the present, where Lee Adama becomes the Pegasus “Actual” and the adventures of Battlestar Pegasus in the 10 months between the attack on the colonies and the rendezvous with Battlestar Galactica through flashbacks, but I’m not going to spoil it here… I’ll let you decide for yourselves.

I don’t do movie reviews usually, but then again, this is not a movie… this is starting to become a saga, and deserves a special place in my “favorites list” right near Star Trek, Stargate and some others. Anyhow, this opened up my appetite for movie/series reviews, so I’m adding two new categories to my cloud: Movies & Tv.

Websites: new, old, useful, funny etc.

Well, I believe we all have our habits on the web. And by habits, I mean things we do, tools we use, things we laugh at.

I spend most of my day online, due to my line of work and thus I use lots of sites and tools offered by these sites. Also, everyday I get spammed with lots of crap by mail or instant messenger, so I decided to compile a list of sites I visit. Because of the quantit, i decided to add a maximum of 10 links for each category.

And of course, now I got bored, and I’m leaving the list open… Do you want me to add some stuff here? post a comment.