Google Chrome

Great hype around the new Google Browser, Chrome, on the web these days, and I have to admit It got me started on so many levels! After reading the pre-launch comic book teaser I have to say I was extremely impressed by everything they said there, and I was looking forward to it, with my fingers crossed. I am sure the final product, or at least the first release out of beta will be great, bt right now, I’m not so excited anymore, nor disappointed, but all in all it’s lacking some stuff at the moment.

I loved the fact that it imported all my settings/bookmarks/browsing history/account usernames and passwords from Firefox, I love the fact that it’s slick, clean, gives back to the user a huge space to load pages compared to Firefox or Internet explorer, the tabs are great, the way it handles every tab like a standalone application rules!

But, there are some things it can’t do properly yet… like loading asp pages. Yes, I have a mail account on an Exchange server, I use Outlook Web Access for that and it does not work on Chrome as of yet. I uploaded some 50 pictures on Photo Bucket and when I realized they were the wrong pictures I tried to delete them, but that  managed to crash Chrome. Carmen, my laptop, has a fresh Windows XP install, and that might or might not have something to do with stuff not working properly, but if a few hours ago I was ready to click the “Use Chrome as your default browser” right now I’m not so sure I’ll press it just yet…

Great job Google! But I want at least what Firefox can give me…

Later Edit: Apparently the ASP problem is just on my side, I’m trying to figure out what’s happening on my system and why it does not work, but it still crashed *completely* not just the one abusing tab like they said it would.

On a more soothing note, this is a memory consumption report between Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, with the same number of tabs opened, and the same content in the tabs!

Windows blows killing several…

Windows blows killing several win32 only programs in its path…

Din motive mai mult sau mai putin obiective, in ultima vreme, a se citi ultima jumatate de an, am folosit ca si sistem primar de operare pe laptop Windows XP Pro. Motivele obiective, tin de faptul ca am inceput sa il folosesc la birou cand lucram niste ore imposibile, in timpul serviciului nu puteam reinstala linuxul care era cam obosit, si windowsul mi-a oferit destula stabilitate o vreme, cu 2 GB de RAM si customizat la maxim. Cu timpul, m-am trezit ca incet incet windowsul magar mare cum e el de obicei, a inceput sa se miste tot mai fecal, si mai penibil, dar problema era alta… miliarde de setari, parole salvate prin diferite keychainuri, VPN´uri, chestii care s-au adunat si faceau tot mai greoaie trecerea de la wingoz inapoi la linux.

Pana azi…

…cand m-am trezit ca orice browser as folosi, paginile o iau razna, si dureaza o vesnicie pana reusesc sa fac ceva. Nu se poate asa, am nevoie de viteza, am nevoie sa lucrez cu browserul, nu imi ajunge consola si IM´ul. Nu mi se pare normal sa incarc pagina de la Google, da da, aia cu o singura imagine si ceva text in 4 – 5 minute de parca sunt iar pe vremea US Roboticsurilor puse pe linii inchiriate de la romtelecom acum 10 ani.

Am schimbat antivirusul de la avast la kaspersky, implicit scanat crap, si totul era OK, am upgradat toate pogramelele care le tineam rezidente in memorie la ultima versiune, verificat servicii, si apoi am chemat un specialist… Bogdan, care pana la urma, e Windows Admin din ala cu mcse´uri si chestii. Nimic. Problema continua.

Drept urmare, Carmen 2 se muta pe Ubuntu 8.04, pana apuc sa fac un backup la datele din windows si sa reinstalez. Dar, daca versiunea 8.04 nu o sa imi faca probleme cu revenirea din stand-by ca si cea precedenta, o sa revin si eu la Linux ca si sistem de operare primar. O sa reinstalez windowsul pentru chestiute mai delicate cum ar fi un CS (Counter Strike) din cand in cand, dar cam atat.

Go Ubuntu! Tweaking time!

Ah, daca apucati careva sa cititi asta in timp util, si v-ati batut de problema asta, va rog dati un semn… Sunt curios ce mama dracu ar putea sa aiba…