Jack – The Golden Retriever

Tot va mai spun din cand in cand despre Jack, un Golden Retriever superb, si cred ca e momentul sa vedeti si niste poze cu el. Am fost sambata la “Laguna Albastra”, un lac pe langa Aghires, unde ne-am balacit frumos cateva ore, si apoi am parcat la Gilau, la o portie de mititei. Evident, Jack a fost cu noi si in albumul de mai jos il puteti vedea in toata splendoarea lui.

Nintendo Wii!

I was visiting a friend last night, Dan Berte, who just returned to Cluj, and we had some catching up to do, and I noticed near his TV a Nintendo Wii console. Pretty cool thingie, I loved it last year when I first saw it, in the Netherlands, and I wanted to get one but then I realized I didn’t have a TV set and abandoned the idea.

There are people who don’t like the Nintendo Wii, they prefer Microsoft’s X-Box or Sony’s PlayStation but I think it’s quite different. I like what they did, I would get one for the fun, and I don’t really think you can compare them…

Anyway, I saw today a video on YouTube about it, and it was waaay to funny not to post it here. So here you go!

Twitter and SMS updates

Apparently, twitter will no longer update all it’s users via SMS messages, but they will try and start local deals with local operators. For Romania, they had a UK number, and I can bet it wasn’t cheap for them to send all those SMS’s. We will still be able to update via the UK mobile number, and they are suggesting a variety of mobile software for browser enabled phones in the official mail sent a couple of hours ago.

m.twitter.com works on browser-enabled phones
m.slandr.net works on browser-enabled phones
TwitterMail.com works on email-enabled phones
Cellity [http://bit.ly/12bw4R] works on java-enabled phones
TwitterBerry [http://bit.ly/MFAfJ] works on BlackBerry phones
Twitterific [http://bit.ly/1WxjwQ] works on iPhones

I’ve been saying for a while now that twitter is going downhill, and I was expecting this move but at the moment, I think reconsidering part of the problem, will allow them to cut some costs and invest that money in another part of their business.

So, Good morning Twitters, wherever you are, this is GOOD news! Follow me on twitter by clicking here.

WTF ?!?

This car was parked yesterday night on Suur-Karja street, in the old town of Tallinn. Very good for setting the mood of the day.

[via Ignacio Munguía @ BEST]


[via Antenna]

Now I would really be frustrated about this… It reminds me of that Microsoft Office comercial with the “Enter password” prompt when the guy was trying to unhook his girlfriend’s bra…


Bucatarie, restaurante, vinuri si trabucuri

Azinoapte stateam si aruncam cate o geana pe twitter si Andrei Crivat n-avea somn. Se anunta ceva interesant, si dimineata, mi-a lasat gura apa cu chestia interesanta. Daca pana acum ii citeam aventurile gastronomice la el pe blog, si nu indrazneam sa ma apropiu de ele, ca deh, nu mi-s eu cine stie ce bucatar, a facut o rubrica pentru amatori pe proaspatul site lansat eBucataria.ro. Un mare KUDOS pentru ce a facut acolo: are sectiune pentru amatori, sectiune pentru profesionisti, sectiune de vinuri si sectiune de trabucuri. Deja am pus ochii pe o reteta, si cred ca zilele astea o sa performez pe aici.  Ah, o sa fie si concursuri! Eu ma gandesc ca ar fi o idee sa adauge si niste bannere, pe care sa le poata lua oamenii interesati la ei pe site-uri, dar asta deja e alta poveste. Ia trageti o fuga pe acolo, si salivati si voi un pic.

In aproximativ acelasi domeniu gastronomic, de data asta pe partea de restaurante, tizul meu de la Iasi, Marius Sescu, impreuna cu Gabi au lansat zilele trecute optzile.ro. Site-ul este destinat recenziilor pentru locurile unde poti sa iti petreci timpul liber: Terase, pizzerii, restaurante etc. cu articole scrise de cititori, si cititoare, cu pareri de bine sau mai putin, organizate frumos pe orase, si baietii abia asteapta sa scrieti parerea voastra despre locurile prin care va invartiti, unde mancati, pe scurt, unde va petreceti timpul liber sau pauzele de masa. Eu am multe de zis despre locurile din Cluj, doar sa am un pic de timp liber.


Why I love gmail…

I remember when gmail first showed up and I got an invite, I was a bit overwhelmed by the *new* factor. The simple look, the speed compared to my old free webmail service, the idea of labels instead of folders, stars instead of flags, keyboard navigation between messages, similar to my first console mail client (pine), overall, I have always been a gmail fan, waiting for new things to show up, like they accustomed us. So, they had the increasing quota for every inbox [currently going up to 7GB!!!], gTalk was a great added feature, POP3 accounts, filters, spam protection, sending mail with a verified different address and so on. I’m guessing many of you are using it, but if you are not, it’s time to do so!

A few days ago, I noticed in the footer of gmail some new stuff:

Check your gmail account, and click on that link. A pop-up will show up, looking like the image below, where you can see the usage of your mail account by IP address. I’m a paranoid sysadmin, that’s what I am, and I like knowing my things are safe! This tool right here, helps me find out if someone else knows my password, and is using my account. I want my stuff private, and that’s the end of the story! You can also log out any other sessions besides the one you are using, and change your password if you see something suspicious. I use a laptop, and I’m not really using private sites on different computers besides the laptop, but sometimes you need to check your mail, and you never know where a Trojan Horse could be.

Drop a comment if you don’t understand how to use this new feature, and I’ll make sureI explain it to you in a way that you will not misunderstand. Remember: Privacy is important!