blogging is fun!

Well, it is! reading blogs is fun, if the author has something nice to say, and writing blogs is fun if you have time for it, and you write some good crap…

You want to win a six figure amount from your blog? get a job that pays a six figure amount, and blog from work! This I read somewhere on the net, and it seemed excellent! 😉

How lame can you be, to need attention from someone and you resort to cutting your veins for it? well, one guy found a good way to get close to a girl who used to be his girlfriend, and called her telling her that he found one of her t-shirts, and he was going to return it. He did, and the girl noticed a funny thing… The t-shirt was a girls t-shirt, but it wasn’t hers!!! now that’s lame… 😀 I’ll add names here if I will be allowed to… but, later!

A cool gift I got yesterday from my sister was a nice RED t-shirt, which now I wear proudly and instead of making the sign “talk to the hand” to people who need that sign, i just show them my t-shirt… the first picture with me on this blog, check below:


Coming up in a later post, some other nice t-shirts I own… 😉

str8_logo.gif Later Edit: Also from Ania I got a chain letter reaction thingie about the perfume I use. Well, anyone who knows me a little bit should know I use STR8. STR8 Black since 2000 or 1999(via Sonia who introduced me to it) and and STR8 Green since the summer of 2007. I would like Andressa to tell us what she uses, also Fana and Mr. Fenomental 😉


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