Din seria Cool t-shirts, am gasit azi unul care mi-a placut, si m-am gandit sa il impart si cu voi. (click pentru versiunea MAAAARE!)
Tag Archives: t-shirt
Talk like a pirate day
And if we had SysAdmin day, programmer’s day, lover’s day, mother’s day, father’s day, groundhog’s day and so on, why not have a “Talk like a pirate day” ?
Back in 1995 John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy) invented this day, and slowly it gained coverage in the media and in “local folklore” so why not?!
They have a nice written page on wikipedia here, and of course they have their own homepage, the official “Talk Like A Pirate Day” webpage, here.
I couldn’t help laughing at the pirate slang, the how to’s, pirate name generator, bloody t-shirts and above all the Top 10 pirate pickup lines:
For the guys
10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?
9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?
8. Come on up and see me urchins.
7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.
6. I’d love to drop anchor in your lagoon.
5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?
4. How’d you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?
3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.
2. Well blow me down?
And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is …
1. Prepare to be boarded.
And of course for the yer darlins’ ladies:
10. What are YOU doing here?
9. Is that a belayin’ pin in yer britches, or are ye … (this one is never completed)
8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!
7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, “Cap’n Feathersword?”
6. That’s quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!
5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I’ve had a twenty percent decrease in me “lice ratio!”
4. I’ve crushed seventeen men’s skulls between me thighs!
3. C’mon, lad, shiver me timbers!
…and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line:
1. You. Pants Off. Now!
ce sa mai zic decat: FOARTE PIRAT FRATE!
Take care now mates! Yarrrr!
Other links from wikipedia:
The winamp tag… again.
I avoided it the first time it came, but this time I can’t. Ania decided it would be best that I had it again, and actually reply to it. OK, here it goes:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 people
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
1. How are you feeling today?
Vama Veche – Armata
kind of bulls eye. No, I’m not joining the army, but the feeling is kind of the same. Long story.
2. Will you get far in life?
Omul Cu Sobolani – 312 – Dau Si Primesc
I’ll be all alone… that’s the message of the song isn’t it?
3. How do your friends see you?
M.O.P. – Cold As Ice
WTF?! I used to be Lord|ce on IRC… funny huh?!
4. Will you get married?
Rammstein – Du Riechst So Gut (Rmx By Sascha Konietzko)
I smell good, and it’s a remix… Does that mean I’ll marry more than once? or that I’ll try more than once?
5. What’s your best friend’s theme?
Smash Mouth – All Star
Nice bulls-eye!
6. What is the story of your life?
Vama Veche -M-am saturat
Auch! Sometimes I feel like that. Today is one of those days…
7. What was high school like?
Rammstein – Te quiero Puta
Works for me… I was always in love, and made the best out of it!
8. How can you get ahead in life?
Pasarea Colibri – Nu-i nimic, asta e
I’m optimistic 🙂
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
N.O.H.A. Tu Cafe
Yeah, I…Â I can drink coffee with them ; – )
10. What is in store for this weekend?
Linkin’ Park – Crawling
Yep… Working this weekend…
11. What song describes you?
Wilson Simonal – Nao Vem Que Nao Tem
Good good! Chillin chillin…
12. to describe your grandparents?
Pasarea Colibri – Futurist
13. How is your life going?
Rotting Christ- Cold Colours
Hell yeah!
14. What song will they play at your funeral?
clannad – i will find you
The question is who will find me? and where…
15. How does the world see you?
Cafe del mar – Heidi -Â Mandalay – Beautiful (7 inch Canny Mix)
Beautiful? OMG!
16. Will you have a happy life?
Marilyn Manson – Sweet Dreams
I can dream about it at least…
17. Do people secretly lust after you?
James Brown – I got you (I feel good)
Really?! I think the god of Winamp was mistaken today…
18. How can I make myself happy?
Omul cu Sobolani- Vara Pe Olita
I’d rather want a jacuzzi, but who am I to want? (Who knows my green T-Shirt?! Yeah… that one!)
19. What should you do with your life?
Helloween – If I could fly
I would… if I could! I WILL!
And the tag goes to Claudiu Antohi, Siropel Laurentiu, Ariel Constantinof, Tudor Salomie and Max Marele. Of course, you can take it if you want…
Un alt tricou!
In direct din Oxford, via Alexandra T. / Apolodor avem azi un nou tricou in seria de tricouri tricoaie si alte obiecte de vestimentatie “catchy”. Et, drept urmare, voila:
Mi-a promis poza demult demult, a trimis-o ieri, si s-a si scuzat pe tema asta (*hugs*):
…si dupa o mie de ani…:)
(sorry about the quality, it’s taken with my phone…)
MacGyver vs O’Neill
I’m a very big fan of Richard Dean Anderson as you might know from reading my posts, and me ranting about Stargate SG1 or Atlantis, and I am very disappointed that people around me don’t get the t-shirt joke. It’s about MacGyver, a show that aired between 1985 and 1992 where using science and his wits, rather than violence, MacGyver could solve almost any problem. The action-adventure format addressed social issues as well, and MacGyver became a role model praised by critics, parents, and teachers alike. MacGyver continues to enjoy tremendous popularity around the world.
The fact that people don’t understand the joke culminated this weekend on St Patricks Day, when I was wearing it, and when someone said “Hey man, cool t-shirt!” I asked: “But do you know who MacGyver is?!” and the reply was “Well, I guess it’s some irish dude… ”
That being said, I’m just sorry that many people missed out MacGyver’s adventures, and the (life) lessons he taught. Forget the joke, that’s nothing… I just know I learned a lot from that character.
And now, a funny clip called “The funniest Stargate SG-1 prank”. Practically Samantha Carter just trashes RD Anderson’s character. I’m always rotfl‘ing when I see it.
La Pescuit
Din seria tricourilor interesante, vi-l prezint pe Radu, colegul meu de la SimpliQ, un nebun si jumatate:
Tot azi, cu masina prin Piata Pacii, un militian era la dat din antebrat ca sa mearga totul bine, si mi-a ramas pe retina o dscutie intre doi oameni care stateau in spate:
Diana (Cu varicela…): De ce e politaiu’ asta aici?
ThotY (cu IGREC): Era prea fluenta circulatia..
Si, ca sa terminam in forta, un banc genial via Mircea Vadan:
Sambata dimineata m-am trezit devreme, m-am imbracat in liniste, mi-am pregatit un pachet cu mancare pentru pranz, am luat cainele, am mers apoi tiptil pana in garaj si am atasat barca la Jeep si am pornit la drum.
Spre disperarea mea, la iesire din garaj am observat ca afara era o vijelie de nedescris, ploaie amestecata cu fulgi de zapada, vantul sufla cu peste 95km/h. Am revenit cu masina in garaj si am pornit radioul. La stiri se anunta ca vremea se va inrautati in continuu.M-am intors in casa. M-am dezbracat inapoi in liniste si m-am strecurat in pat langa sotia mea soptindu-i la ureche:
– E o vreme ingrozitoare afara.
Ea a raspuns somnoroasa :
– Iti vine sa crezi ca sotul meu idiot e la pescuit pe furtuna asta.
Cool T-shirts
If you are one of the people who hang out around the places I hang out, you should already know I have some funny t-shirts like this. Well, this is about funny t-shirts I got to see worn by my friends, and had a chance to take a photo of.
- First one, from Vlad Gorgan, one of the bigshots at Trilulilu.ro: “I hate my clothes, Can you help me undress?“
- Second one, belongs to Lorand Peli, good friend of mine: “Hamburgers are made of WHAT!?“
- Third one, from Dan Groza, good friend, and colleague from SimpliQ Media & Technology:”If I’d give a crap, you’d be the first one I’d give it to!“
The pictures were taken with a BlackBerry 8100 Pearl, in not so good lighting conditions, so please excuse the quality.
What would MacGyver do?
I don’t know how many of you remember the show MacGyver (Dean Anderson) but I was a great fan. As soon as I saw the t-shirt on threadless I had to have it. I just got it, and here it is…
It says: “What would MacGyver do?“
Later Edit: one of my coleagues just said (not knowing who MacGyver was)
Aalsen: stick the roll in his anus and free the negro’s ? then he wouldnt need toilet paper anymore
Aalsen: im not a rescist – i piss off all races equally…
OMFG! Hilarious!
blogging is fun!
Well, it is! reading blogs is fun, if the author has something nice to say, and writing blogs is fun if you have time for it, and you write some good crap…
You want to win a six figure amount from your blog? get a job that pays a six figure amount, and blog from work! This I read somewhere on the net, and it seemed excellent! 😉
How lame can you be, to need attention from someone and you resort to cutting your veins for it? well, one guy found a good way to get close to a girl who used to be his girlfriend, and called her telling her that he found one of her t-shirts, and he was going to return it. He did, and the girl noticed a funny thing… The t-shirt was a girls t-shirt, but it wasn’t hers!!! now that’s lame… 😀 I’ll add names here if I will be allowed to… but, later!
A cool gift I got yesterday from my sister was a nice RED t-shirt, which now I wear proudly and instead of making the sign “talk to the hand” to people who need that sign, i just show them my t-shirt… the first picture with me on this blog, check below:
Coming up in a later post, some other nice t-shirts I own… 😉
Later Edit: Also from Ania I got a chain letter reaction thingie about the perfume I use. Well, anyone who knows me a little bit should know I use STR8. STR8 Black since 2000 or 1999(via Sonia who introduced me to it) and and STR8 Green since the summer of 2007. I would like Andressa to tell us what she uses, also Fana and Mr. Fenomental 😉