Tech Support Pricing

Copied from Justin R. Erenkrantz / Tech Support Price Guide

Tech Support Pricing Structure

Regular (as it were) Prices for Technical Support/System Administration:

Calling me with a question $10
Calling me with a stupid question $20
Calling me with a stupid question you can’t quite articulate $30
Implying I’m incompetant because I can’t interpret your inarticulate problem description $1000+punitive damages
Questions received via phone without first trying help desk $10.00
Questions where answer is in TFM $10.00 +
Questions during Xpilot session $20.00
Calling me back with the same problem *after* I fix it once $100
Insisting that you’re not breaking the software, the problem is on my end somehow $200
Asking me to walk over to your building to fix the problem $5/step
Asking me to drive to another town to fix your problem $50/mile+gas
If you interrupt me while I was reading news $25/hr
If you interrupt me while I was trying to count all the xroaches on my screen $35/hr
If you interrupt me while I was trying to actually fix somebody else’s problem $45/hr
If you try to hang around and get me to fix it now $50/hr
If you expect me to tell you how I fixed it $60/hr
If you’ve come to ask me why something isn’t working that I’m currently working on $70/hr
If you’re asking me to fix something I fixed for you yesterday $75/hr
If you’re asking me to fix something I told you I fixed yesterday, but never did fix $85/hr
If you’re asking me to fix a quick patch that I made that didn’t work $95/hr
If you’re bugging me while there’s another admin in the room who could have done it for you $150/hr
Making me trek to your office to fix your problem then leaving immediately after hanging up the phone $1500.00
Calling up with a problem which “everybody” in the office is having and which is “stopping all work.” Not being there when I rush over to look at it and nobody else in the office knows anything about it. $1700.00
Explaining a problem for 1/2 hour over the phone BEFORE mentioning it’s your personal machine at home $500.00
Self-diagnosing your problem and informing me what to do $150.00
Having me bail you out when you perform your own repairs I told you not to do $300.00
Not telling all of your co-workers about it $850.00
Figuring out you mean floppy drive when you say hard drive $50.00
BEFORE I order your replacement hard drive $250.00
Fixing your “broken” mouse with a mousepad $25.00
Fixing your “broken” optical mouse by rotating the mousepad 90 degrees $35.00
Fixing a “broken” mouse by cleaning the rollers $50.00
Fixing your “broken” printer with an ink/toner cartridge $35.00
Fixing your “broken” ANYTHING with the power button $250.00
Fixing the “crashed” system by turning the external disk back on $200.00
Fixing the “hung” systemby plugging the ethernet transciver back in $375.00
Fixing the crashed nameserver by plugging back in the SCSI cord someone accidentially yanked out on Friday afternoon when the ‘real’ sysadmin has just left for a two week vacation $400
Visiting your old university and fixing the broken PC by plugging the monitor lead back in $50
Explaining that you can’t log in to some server because you don’t have an account there $10
Explaining that you don’t have an account on the machine you used to have an account on because you used it to try to break into the above server $500
Forgetting your password after it was tattooed on your index finger $25
Changing memory partitions without informing me first $50
Installing programs without informing me /getting permission first $100
Technical support for the above programs $150/hr
Spilling coke on keyboard $25 plus cost of keyboard
Spilling coke on monitor $50 plus cost of monitor
Spilling coke on CPU $200 plus cost of motherboard swap plus hourly rate of $150 per hour spent reinstalling the system
Leaving files on desktop $5 per file, $10 per day the file is left unclaimed
Cleaning the mouse with spit and sleeve $50 plus cost of sleeve plus cost of therapy 🙂
Bringing in your own copy of the original Norton Utilities v1.0 to fix a brand new machine $200
Chewing on the end of the graphic tablet stylus $25
Putting feet up next to workstation after ten mile jog through NYC streets $50
Spending 30 minutes trying to figureout what your problem is, and another 5 explaining how to verify and fix it, only to hear you say… “So that’s what the little box that popped up on my screen was telling me; to do!” $40
Listening to your network troubles, suggesting that you check to see if you are plugged into the network jack, hearing yes, trying five other things, asking you to identify your plug type, listening to you drag furniture, and hearing a sheepish, “Oops. Nevermind.” $35 (including discount for polite apology)
Dealing with tech support requests for obviously pirated software $25
Dealing with “How can I get another copy of [obviously pirated software]? Mine just died.” requests $45
Having to use the “We’re really not the best people to talk to about that; why don’t you try calling the number on the box in which you bought it?” line $55
Actually needing to explain copyright law to you after you failed to get the hint in the previous response $95 (includes instructions for getting freeware replacements from the public file server)
Having to point out anything that’s on the wall in a typeface larger than 18 points $15
If I wrote the sign $45
If it’s in a 144 point font and taped to the side of the monitor facing the door $75
Reporting slow connection by passenger pigeon packets to MPEG archive in Outer Slobavia as a Mosaic/Netscape/Gopher/FTP client problem $25.00
Reporting it more than once $50.00
Reporting it more than once and implying slothfullness on tech support’s inability to solve problem $200.00

Beeper Prices:

Beeping me when I’m out with the significant other $50
Beeping me when I’m out of town and I took pains to insure that help files were left all over and that diagnostics had been run on all machines before I left $100
Beeping me more than once to tell me that the printer’s offline and the fix is to press the On Line button $200
Beeping me more than once while I’m asleep $50 per beep
Beeping me and not identifying yourself within the first 5 seconds – $25
Beeping me and then changing your story / denying you placed the call / hoped I would forget who caused the problem $500

Special Rates:

Dealing with user body odor $75.00/hour
Dealing with user not familiar with the primary language spoken at site $50.00/hour
Dealing with user who is (self-proclaimed) smarter than you are, but still calls every other day for help $100.00/hour
Dealing with computer hobbiests $125.00/hour

Questioning the other prices ……….. $50

O dimineata misogina

Domnul Mircea Vascan a.k.a. Hasky, s-a gandit sa trimita si el un banc pe mail, si mi s-a parut destul de funny sa il trec aici. Astept remarci, comentarii acide si cocktailuri molotov in baie.

La New York s-a deschis un magazin unde femeile pot alege si cumpara un sot.
La intrare sunt afisate regulile de functionare ale magazinului:
– Poti vizita magazinul O SINGURA DATA!
– Sunt 6 etaje si caracteristiciule barbatilor se imbunatatesc pe masura ce urci la etajul superior.
– Poti alege orice barbat de un etaj, sau poti urca la etajul urmator.
– Nu te poti intoarce la etajul inferior!
O femeie decide sa viziteze magazinul pentru a gasi un barbat care sa ii tina companie
La etajul unu pe usa este urmatorul afis:
Acesti barbati au un loc de munca!
Femeia decide sa merag la etajul urmator
La etajul al doilea pe usa este urmatorul afis:
Aceasti barbati au un loc de munca si iubesc copiii!
Femeia hotaraste sa urce la etajul urmator.
La etajul al treilea pe usa este urmatorul afis:
Acesti barbati au un loc de munca, iubesc copiii si sunt extrem de frumosi!
“Wow” isi spune femeia, insa hotaraste sa mearga la etajul urmator.
La etajul al patrulea pe usa este urmatorul afis:
Aceasti barbati au un loc de munca, iubesc copiii, sunt frumosi de inebunesti si ajuta si la treburile din casa!
Incredibil! exclama femeia. Cu greu pot rezista! Insa decide sa mearga la etajul urmator
La etajul cinci pe usa este urmatorul afis:
Aceasti barbati au un loc de munca, iubesc copiii, sunt frumosi de inebunesti si ajuta si la treburile din casa si sunt extrem de romantici!
Femeia este tentata sa ramana si sa aleaga un barbat, insa pana la urma decide sa urce la ultimul nivel.
La etajul sase se afla urmatorul afis: Esti vizitatoarea cu nr. 31.456.012 a acestui etaj. Aici nu sunt barbati, acest etaj exista numai pentru a demonstra ca este imposibil sa satisfaci o femeie. Multumim pentru ca ati ales sa vizitati magazinul nostru!

Vis a vis de acest magazin, s-a deschis unul asemanator de unde barbatii isi pot cumpara o nevasta.
La primal etaj sunt femei care sunt inebunite dupa sex.
La etajul doi sunt femei care sunt inebunite dupa sex si nu te bat la cap.

Etajele de la 3 la 6 nu au fost niciodata vizitate de barbati!

Campania electorala… O LABA dom’le!

SI daca tot suntem in campanie, vreau sa va spun ca sunt apolitic si o sa votez cu aia care sunt un pic deasupra celorlalti, strict din punctul meu de vedere… Deci cu nenea Boc, ca a fost nene de treaba la noi la Cluj, si a facut in 4 ani, tot aici la Cluj, cam cat s-a reusit in epoca funariota sa se fure… Dar din nou, asta e o parere personala… Evident ca ma seaca sa vad diverse chestii facute peste noapte cu o luna doua inainte de alegeri, chestii care puteau fi facute demult, dar nu cred ca sunt in masura eu sa ma fac analist politic sau oaresce si sa ma dau rotund aici…

Si de ce v-am spus cu cine votez? Pentru ca nenea ala de mai jos, e un simpatic, si nu e vina lui, si sper ca e cel putin la fel de OK ca si Boc.

Si acum, enjoy:

Bietu om, s-a ales si cu cateva sloganuri de campanie de la binevoitori:

  • Noi ne Å£inem de Laba.
  • Laba – fapte, nu vorbe.
  • Laba în sprijinul cetăţenilor.
  • Vine Laba.
  • Laba pentru modernizare. Pentru ei, pentru voi, pentru noi toÅ£i,
  • Laba. Alegerea corectă
  • Laba. Laba din dragoste pentru Bârgău.
  • Laba la PRIMARIE!
  • Gospodaru’ Laba o sa faca treaba!
  • PD-L sustine LABA!
  • Laba nu te lasa la greu!\
  • Nu vota cu stinga, Laba e de dreapta.
  • Laba. Ceea ce meritam!
  • Cu Laba vom reusi
  • Laba. Eu fac, alÅ£ii promit!
  • PrestaÅ£ie slabă? Treci pe Laba!
  • Dreapta e slabă? SusÅ£ine-o cu Laba!

[via Rares Popeia ( mă boule! ) ]

PS: Nu sunt in nici un fel afiliat cu nenea de mai sus, sau cu contra-candidatii acestuia…

Scotianul la spovedanie

[via Alex Aleman]

Un scotian insurat se duce la spovedanie si-i spune preotului:
– Parinte, aproape ca am avut o aventura cu o alta femeie!
– Cum adica, “aproape”? intreaba preotul.
– Pai, ne-am dezbracat, ne-am frecat bine unul de altul, dar apoi ne-am oprit.

Preotul este revoltat:
– A te freca unul de altul este ca si cum ai fi bagat-o inauntru! Nu
trebuie sa te mai vezi cu femeia aceea. Ca penitenta, trebuie sa spui
5 rugaciuni si sa pui 50 de lire sterline in cutia milei.

Scotianul iese din confesional, spune rugaciunile si apoi se duce la
cutia milei. Sta putin langa ea si da sa plece.
Preotul, care-l urmarea cu privirea, fuge dupa el si-l avertizeaza:
– Te-am vazut! N-ai pus banii in cutie!

Scotianul raspunde, uimit:
– Da, parinte, dar am frecat banii de cutia milei si – asa cum tocmai
mi-ai spus – este ca si cum i-as fi bagat inauntru!

MacGyver vs O’Neill

richarddean.jpgI’m a very big fan of Richard Dean Anderson as you might know from reading my posts, and me ranting about Stargate SG1 or Atlantis, and I am very disappointed that people around me don’t get the t-shirt joke. It’s about MacGyver, a show that aired between 1985 and 1992 where using science and his wits, rather than violence, MacGyver could solve almost any problem. The action-adventure format addressed social issues as well, and MacGyver became a role model praised by critics, parents, and teachers alike.  MacGyver continues to enjoy tremendous popularity around the world.

The fact that people don’t understand the joke culminated this weekend on St Patricks Day, when I was wearing it, and when someone said “Hey man, cool t-shirt!”  I asked: “But do you know who MacGyver is?!” and the reply was “Well, I guess it’s some irish dude…

That being said, I’m just sorry that many people missed out MacGyver’s adventures,  and the (life) lessons he taught. Forget the joke, that’s nothing… I just know I learned a lot from that character.

And now, a funny clip called “The funniest Stargate SG-1 prank”. Practically Samantha Carter just trashes RD Anderson’s character. I’m always rotfl‘ing when I see it.

La Pescuit

Din seria tricourilor interesante, vi-l prezint pe Radu, colegul meu de la SimpliQ, un nebun si jumatate:

img00221.jpg img00223.jpg

Tot azi, cu masina prin Piata Pacii, un militian era la dat din antebrat ca sa mearga totul bine, si mi-a ramas pe retina o dscutie intre doi oameni care stateau in spate:

Diana (Cu varicela…): De ce e politaiu’ asta aici?

ThotY (cu IGREC): Era prea fluenta circulatia..

Si, ca sa terminam in forta, un banc genial via Mircea Vadan:

Sambata dimineata m-am trezit devreme, m-am imbracat in liniste, mi-am pregatit un pachet cu mancare pentru pranz, am luat cainele, am mers apoi tiptil pana in garaj si am atasat barca la Jeep si am pornit la drum.
Spre disperarea mea, la iesire din garaj am observat ca afara era o vijelie de nedescris, ploaie amestecata cu fulgi de zapada, vantul sufla cu peste 95km/h. Am revenit cu masina in garaj si am pornit radioul. La stiri se anunta ca vremea se va inrautati in continuu.M-am intors in casa. M-am dezbracat inapoi in liniste si m-am strecurat in pat langa sotia mea soptindu-i la ureche:
– E o vreme ingrozitoare afara.
Ea a raspuns somnoroasa :
– Iti vine sa crezi ca sotul meu idiot e la pescuit pe furtuna asta.