Cool T-shirts

If you are one of the people who hang out around the places I hang out, you should already know I have some funny t-shirts like this. Well, this is about funny t-shirts I got to see worn by my friends, and had a chance to take a photo of.

  • First one, from Vlad Gorgan, one of the bigshots at “I hate my clothes, Can you help me undress?


  • Second one, belongs to Lorand Peli, good friend of mine: “Hamburgers are made of WHAT!?


  • Third one, from Dan Groza, good friend, and colleague from SimpliQ Media & Technology:”If I’d give a crap, you’d be the first one I’d give it to!


The pictures were taken with a BlackBerry 8100 Pearl, in not so good lighting conditions, so please excuse the quality.

Hotnews da chix

Deci care e faza!? Am primit azi stirile diminetii de la HotNews pe BlackBerry, si nu am avut timp sa ma uit printre ele. Acum, la birou, stau si ma uit la titlul stirii, vad ca nu este nimic legat nici macar de Google Earth si ma intreb daca a dat cineva chix, sau incearca sa faca lumea sa citeasca cu atentie ce scrie acolo…


Later Edit: Trebuie sa imi cer scuze acum… a doua stire era “Arta moderna: cum s-ar fi vazut Arca lui Noe si crucificarea lui Isus cu Google Earth” (Stirea AICI)dar am trecut repede peste dupa primele doua cuvinte ale titlului… nu da nimeni chix… 😉 (Mersi Lucian)

Even Later Edit: Si ca sa nu fie cu totul un chix din partea mea, poftim si un mini-chix de la HotNews… e doar un typo…


Si un banc interesant asa de dimineata buna:

In cabinetul unui ginecolog intra o domnisoara care il face pe omul nostru sa isi cam piarda mintile instan, sa uite de juraminte si de Hipocrate. In secunda doi, o posfteste sa se dezbrace si incepe sa o pipaie.

– Stiti ce fac acum domnisoara?

– Bineinteles, imi verificati epiderma pentru ceva anormal…

Incepand sa ii maseze sanii, o intreaba:

– Acum stiti ce fac?

– Bineinteles, imi verificatii sanii, pentru semne de cancer mamar…

Isi trage omu’ nostru halatu’ in sus, pantalonii in jos si incepe joaca, evident intreband-o:

– Dar acum… stiti ce fac?!

– Bineinteles, raspunde nonsalant domnisoara… Luati herpes. Venisem sa ma ajutati sa scap de el.

Blogger’s desk 2.0


Manafu opened a blog a few months ago, where bloggers would post pictures with their desks. Of course I had my desk from home placed there, but I seldom use that desk anymore, and it was time to post a picture with the place I blog from. It’s my desk at SimpliQ Media & Technology, the company I work for.

What do you think about it? Explanations of the pic on my Flickr photo stream here.

PS: Photo was taken with a blackberry not quite in excellent conditions. My camera batteries went dead when I tried to start it. I really need to remember to load those.