The Internship

Minunata zi de sâmbătă, stat în pat, citit o carte, văzut ultimul episod din Greys și tot așa, până când îți cad ochii pe ceva nou, care te scoate din rutina de relaxare. Azi, chestia nouă a fost un film care va ieși în cinematografe prin 7 Iunie, se numește ”The Internship” iar acțiunea are loc în campusul Google.


Despre ce e vorba? despre doi agenÈ›i de vânzări destul de old school, care rămân fără slujbe È™i încearcând să își găsească de lucru, ajung într-un internship la gogu. Trailerul mi s-a părut demenÈ›ial, m-a ”cumpărat” din prima È™i cred că o să ne distrăm pe cinste când o să îl vedem. Actorii principali sunt Vince Vaughn È™i Owen Wilson, nebunii din Wedding crashers, un alt film la care am râs în hohote (îl recomand pentru un pic de relaxare în weekend 😉 ).

Vorba umblă prin târg că e un nou mod de a promova o companie, deja apar glumiÈ›e pe modelul ”când o să facă È™i Facebook sau Microsoft filme similare” despre campusurile lor, stilurile lor de lucru È™i mediul la care sunt expuÈ™i angajaÈ›ii lor, dar se pare că Google nu a participat la bugetul filmului cu nimic, permițându-le însă celor de la Fox să intre în campus È™i ajutându-i cu idei È™i sugestii la decorurile create pentru film pentru a fi cât mai Google-like cu putință – zice un nene de la LA Times, aici.

Ce ziceți? Pare fun!

Asa, de sambata

Ieri a fost o zi extraordinara. Am participat la TEDxCluj, am ascultat niste speakeri grozavi, am discutat cu oameni noi, si cu oameni pe care ii stiu aproape de o viata, am revazut prieteni dragi si overall feelingul din capul meu in momentul asta duce mai mult spre confuzie dupa toata cantitatea de informatie pe care am inghitit-o acolo, dar le pun incet incet la locul lor (ideile, care este… ), si o sa revin cu detalii in momentul in care le pun intr-o ordine un pic mai fireasca.

Intre timp, pe pagina principala de la google se poate juca Pac Man. Foarte tare! Am dat si eu o tura!

Google Chrome

Great hype around the new Google Browser, Chrome, on the web these days, and I have to admit It got me started on so many levels! After reading the pre-launch comic book teaser I have to say I was extremely impressed by everything they said there, and I was looking forward to it, with my fingers crossed. I am sure the final product, or at least the first release out of beta will be great, bt right now, I’m not so excited anymore, nor disappointed, but all in all it’s lacking some stuff at the moment.

I loved the fact that it imported all my settings/bookmarks/browsing history/account usernames and passwords from Firefox, I love the fact that it’s slick, clean, gives back to the user a huge space to load pages compared to Firefox or Internet explorer, the tabs are great, the way it handles every tab like a standalone application rules!

But, there are some things it can’t do properly yet… like loading asp pages. Yes, I have a mail account on an Exchange server, I use Outlook Web Access for that and it does not work on Chrome as of yet. I uploaded some 50 pictures on Photo Bucket and when I realized they were the wrong pictures I tried to delete them, but that  managed to crash Chrome. Carmen, my laptop, has a fresh Windows XP install, and that might or might not have something to do with stuff not working properly, but if a few hours ago I was ready to click the “Use Chrome as your default browser” right now I’m not so sure I’ll press it just yet…

Great job Google! But I want at least what Firefox can give me…

Later Edit: Apparently the ASP problem is just on my side, I’m trying to figure out what’s happening on my system and why it does not work, but it still crashed *completely* not just the one abusing tab like they said it would.

On a more soothing note, this is a memory consumption report between Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, with the same number of tabs opened, and the same content in the tabs!

Cautari pe Google…

Stau si ma uit de ceva vreme la cat de ciudate pot fi unele cautari pe Google, care primesc ca rezultat blogul meu, si ma tot gandeam sa le mai pun si eu pe aici, pana azi…

Eh, azi am vazut una care le intrece pe toate… Mi s-a intors un pic stomacul pe dos…

Cum DRACU poti sa cauti pe net asa ceva?!

Pentru cei care nu v-ati prins cautarea este ceva de genul: Mama imi face laba

Sick puppy! sick puppy!

Why I love gmail…

I remember when gmail first showed up and I got an invite, I was a bit overwhelmed by the *new* factor. The simple look, the speed compared to my old free webmail service, the idea of labels instead of folders, stars instead of flags, keyboard navigation between messages, similar to my first console mail client (pine), overall, I have always been a gmail fan, waiting for new things to show up, like they accustomed us. So, they had the increasing quota for every inbox [currently going up to 7GB!!!], gTalk was a great added feature, POP3 accounts, filters, spam protection, sending mail with a verified different address and so on. I’m guessing many of you are using it, but if you are not, it’s time to do so!

A few days ago, I noticed in the footer of gmail some new stuff:

Check your gmail account, and click on that link. A pop-up will show up, looking like the image below, where you can see the usage of your mail account by IP address. I’m a paranoid sysadmin, that’s what I am, and I like knowing my things are safe! This tool right here, helps me find out if someone else knows my password, and is using my account. I want my stuff private, and that’s the end of the story! You can also log out any other sessions besides the one you are using, and change your password if you see something suspicious. I use a laptop, and I’m not really using private sites on different computers besides the laptop, but sometimes you need to check your mail, and you never know where a Trojan Horse could be.

Drop a comment if you don’t understand how to use this new feature, and I’ll make sureI explain it to you in a way that you will not misunderstand. Remember: Privacy is important!

xkcd said it better…

I have a good job, not looking for anything else, but about 3 weeks ago I get a nice introductory mail from a Google Inc. HR representative, telling me that they want my CV and they want to contact me. FFS! it’s GOOGLE! of course I brushed up my CV, and sent it to them.

One week later, I had a telephone interview (I was scared like shit) with their HR department, a very sweet lady talked to me, everything was cool, and pinkish and so on. After the interview finished, she told me it went quite well (I asked!!), she will send the results to the next level, and they will contact me in the following two weeks.

Well, if you read the comic above, you will understand they didn’t have an opening for a person with my skills, but they will keep my CV in their database. Standard text, politically correct.

Talking to my boss about it, he was quite shocked that I was willing to leave Romania, and my family just to relocate for a big corporation, but (and I repeat): FFS! It’s GOOGLE! Nevermind now, they don’t need me, and I can stick the proverbial carrot out of my ass.

So that’s about it…

PS: Of course I’m pissed! but it was too good to be true…

Reclame. Reclame bune!

Auzeam zilele trecute pe cineva vorbind despre reclamele romanesti, si cat de penibile pot sa fie comparativ cu cele din afara. Reclama de laromtelecom sau posta romana,(pe care inca nu am vazut-o, dar urmeaza sa dau un search) ar trebui a fie “brici” si ca arata evolutia postei romane, si prin cate a trecut bla bla (dar pana la sfarsitul spotului tot nu stii daca a ajuns scrisoarea sau nu). Drept urmare “Sigur nu a fost facuta la noi…

Apoi am citit la Cabral ca isi pune mainile in cap cand vede ce scot “conationalii nostrii creativi” comparativ cu cei de afara.

Stau si ma uit la dementul de Darius care face o gramada de chestii mai mult sau mai putin geniale, si oricat as vrea sa fiu rau cu el, sa ii raspund cu aceeasi moneda la stilul acru si acid cu care trateaza lumea, din cand in cand ma trezesc ca “ma inclin” in fata la ceea ce face, si evident ca nu ma sfiiesc sa i-o spun in fata. Si cand e bou, si cand scoate chestii GENIALE. Scris cu bold, caps lock, si fara miros de pupincurism ca nu am nimic de castigat.

Ideea e ca sunt convins ca sunt si altii ca el, care au creativitatea necesara, care pot sa faca altceva decat clasicele crapuri numite reclame. Si pentru asta, va recomand panorama romaneasca de la Noaptea Devoratorilor de Publicitate. Stati mai oameni buni, ca avem si noi chestiile noastre bune, avem si noi creativitate, doar ca numarul celor “slabe” e mult mai mare. Pe de alta parte, din afara cele mai multe care intra, sunt cele bune. Cele slabe nu o sa fie promovate foarte mult nici de clientii pentru care au fost facute nici de “mase” prin intermediul YouTube sau Google video sau stiu eu ce alt serviciu de genul.

In incheiere, va invit sa vedeti o scurta reclama la gmail, serviciu al carui utilizator sunt de muuuuulta vreme:

[via danberte]