Template Face Lift

Tot caut de ceva vreme o tema noua, si se pare ca in sfarsit am gasit ceva care sa se potriveasca cat de cat cu “nevoile” mele.

Se numeste  “Xplosive Reloaded” si a fost creata de Jai Nischal Verma. Am inceput incet incet sa o tweakuiesc, si incepe sa arate cam asa cum vedeti pe moment. Daca as avea si timp sa lucrez numai la asta azi, probabil ca as face mai multe, dar pe moment e ok. Aruncati o privire, si spuneti-mi daca va place, daca nu va place, sau daca sunt buguri prin zona… 🙂


PS:Si sa nu uitati despre Schimbul de Carti de duminica!

Schimb de carti la Cluj

schimbdecarti-cluj.jpgDe ceva vreme tot stateam si ma gandeam de ce nu exista SdC si la Cluj, pana azi, cand Patrick m-a anuntat ca urmeaza o editie la Cluj. AFAIK e prima editie de pe la noi, corectati-ma daca gresesc, dar vestea ma bucura nespus.

Organizatoarea evenimentului este Oana Horincar, aplauze va rog!

Intalnirea se va desfasura Duminica, 23 Martie, in pubul Le General, Bulevardul Eroilor, numarul 18, la etaj, de la ora 15:00.

Ne vedem acolo, DA!? Si pana atunci, Spread the word!

Mai multe despre Schimb de Carti pe site-ul lor: www.schimbdecarti.ro si mai jos cateva bucatele luate cu copy paste:

Ce este Schimb de Carti?

“Schimb de Carti” este o serie de
intalniri lunare
ce se desfasoara in mai multe orase din Romania (si nu numai), simultan.

Pe scurt, ne intalnim pentru a schimba carti intre noi si a discuta intr-un cadru cat mai liber si cat mai putin rigid, la un ceai, un suc sau o bere despre carti, autori, edituri si orice ne mai trece prin minte.
Intrarea este libera
si oricine poate participa.

Cum se desfasoara?

1. Schimb de carti s-ar putea numi la fel de bine
“intalnire intre prieteni”
. Ne adunam intr-un spatiu care este anuntat din vreme pe SchimbDeCarti.ro, asezam cuminti cartile pe masa, cercetam infometati ce au adus ceilalti si, astfel, se leaga conversatii.

2. Conversatii care devin, de la editie la editie, din ce in ce mai animate; fiecare e liber sa intre in discutii sau doar sa stea si sa asculte, savurand un ceai, dupa cum ii place.
Oricine poate participa
la aceste intalniri si e important de inteles ca nu e vorba de un cerc inchis in care toata lumea se cunoaste cu toata lumea.

3. Puteti veni si fara carti, doar ca sa ne cunoastem si sa bem un suc impreuna. Deasemenenea,
puteti veni si pleca oricand
si puteti lua carti chiar daca n-ati adus nimic in schimb. Daca nu vreti sa luati vreo carte, desi ati adus 3, e foarte bine si asa.

Gestionam noi circuitul cartilor
pe la cititori. Trebuie doar sa va treceti numele si achizitiile pe o foaie de hartie. Atat e de simplu!

Harta schimbului de carti:


Compatibilitate la compati.ro

Via Filip am aflat despre http://www.compati.ro

E un site dragut, care te lasa sa iti creezi un set de intrebari, dai linkul mai departe, si lumea poate alege din variantele de raspuns introduse de tine. Ideea mi se pare misto, site-ul are nevoie de un mic face-lift in materie de design, dar sunt sigur ca nu va intarzia sa apara nici acesta.

Pana atunci, aici e “chestionarul” meu.

Good job Alex!

Later Edit: Mersi mersi ca verificati compatibilitatea, dar dati-mi si mie un semn sa stiu care sunteti 😉 Numai vizitatori anonimi am avut pana acum 😛

WordPress Browse Happy

Editam azi un alt blog cand am vazut o chestie ciudata in dashboard. O icoana. Nu prea avea ce sa caute acolo, asa ca evident ca am dat click…

Se pare ca WordPress recomanda prin intermediul dashboardului lor folosirea altor browsere decat Internet Explorer (Firefox, Opera, Safari sau Mozilla). Da, editam blogul respectiv cu IE, si e prima data cand folosesc IE la editarea unui wordpress…

Mi s-a parut foarte funny. Voi ati vazut treaba asta? E vorba de o icoana care pointeaza la site-ul http://www.browsehappy.com si arata cam ca si imaginea de mai jos. Au pe site motive pentru care Internet Explorer nu este ok, testimonials de la oameni care au facut trecerea, si niste butonase de pus pe site-urile celor care suporta miscarea “Browse Happy”. Cred ca o adaug in sidebar 🙂


PS: Da, stiu, ar trebui upgradat si wordpress’ul ala…

People love pussy

Don’t be a cynic now and think about pr0n, I’m talking about a new kind of pussy. I’m talking about Leopard! The latest Mac OS X.  About a year ago, I was installing Tiger on my Laptop PC, an Acer TravelMate, Intel based, and it worked for a while. Now, my colleagues start showing up with Leopard, which apparently kicks ass bigtime and it would be a shame not to try it.

The only problem right now is my current setup, Ubuntu + Win XP, which I wouldn’t want to lose right about now. Gotta figure out where to dump it, so I can take it back later. Starting from my Firefox setup, RSS feeds reader  which is local, and everything else which I customized since my last reinstall. What do you think? Should I go for it?I think I should, now just let me figure out a good way to be able to return to my tweaks after this. A Time Machine would do just great…

Gentoo in distress

Catalin pointed me towards this article on Slashdot.

Apparently, The Gentoo Foundation Charter has been revoked a few weeks ago with no explanation, and Daniel Robbins, the creator of Gentoo is trying to help fix things. Right now it’s all in the hands of the current trustees of the Gentoo Foundation.

Read more on Daniel’s blog: Post1, Post2.

Gentoo is a Linux flavor, and I can safely say it’s my favorite distro. I really hope this will be fixed up somehow, and we will have Gentoo on the list of linux distros for a long time.

I even painted Larry the cow on my little Tux…


Holiday Season, Special Season

I got this text last year around this time of year, from Pedro I think, and it brought a large smile on my face. I just received it by Y!M, so here it is:

One beautiful December evening Huan Cho and his girlfriend Jung Lee was sitting by the side of the ocean.
It was a romantic full moon, when Huan Cho said:
“Hey baby, how about playing Weeweechu?”
“Oh no, not now, lets look at the moon” said Jung Lee.
“Oh, c’mon baby, let’s you and I play Weeweechu. I love you and it’s the perfect time,” Huan Cho begged.
“But I rather just hold your hand and watch the moon.”
“Please Jung Lee, just once play Weeweechu with me.”
Jung Lee looked at Huan Chi and said, “OK, we’ll play Weeweechu.”….
Huan Cho grabbed his guitar and both sang….
“Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
and a happy New Year.”
(And all those with dirty minds – shame on you)

Indeed it is a special day today, it’s Mirela’s birth day, and Johnny’s Birthday. Mirela is my girlfriend if you didn’t figure that out yet, and Johnny is a good friend whom I am going to call in a few minutes. So Happy Birthday to both of you my friends.

Santa came early for me, and last night I got some nice gifts from people I love, and who won’t be in town for Christmas or my birthday, so thank you Catalin & Codruta. 🙂

Lorand Minyo, tagged me, and I have to write the best 5 moments this year brought… Here it goes:

  • Let me start with this article I wrote for WIF which got us on the front page of Digg and almost blew out some fuses of our hosting server: http://wirelessisfun.com/2007/02/20/dell-powered-by-linux/
  • Becoming a BEST Alumnus member was a moment filled up with emotion and pride.
  • I visited the Netherlands, and that was a highlight of the year, meeting new people, seeing a new culture. (pics)
  • During my visit in The Netherlands, I got some great news from home, Ovidiu and Simona will get married next summer 🙂
  • And last but not least, taking part at a job fair here in Cluj, provided me with extra reasons to be happy this Christmas. 😉

That being said, I’ll tag next the Trolls, Dobrestii and Groparu, and of course whoever else wants to take it.

PS: Talking about Groparu, I have some nice pictures with him, and some flowers he received on a date… *evil*