Grand Opening “Le General”

New drinking place in town, with lots of enthusiastic people just waiting for it to open, “Le General“, On Eroilor Blvd., No. 18 in Cluj-Napoca. “Fireworks” expected on the opening day, Friday the 30th of November and many promises with lots of surprises.


Groparu wrote about this, and even had a party there… I’m sure he can vouch for the place also.

PS: And YES, they will have a darts board!!!!

PPS: This post is included in the “free publicity” category, the author did not receive any material compensation for writing this, and was done by the author’s free will and choice. Still waiting for a beer maybe 😉

Later Edit: People asked for the number of the pub, so here it is: 0745.307.161 – You can make reservations at this number.

Civic duty

Today the hole digger / grave digger / undertaker or simply in Romanian Groparu (Happy Birthday by the way) showed me a picture made in Germany, with a specific purpose, which is I believe: “come on people, use public transportation, or a green transportation mean… like a bicycle perhaps.” The idea is good, concept is great and realization is probably better at first hand, but I think you will understand what I mean:

Click for fullsize view

Click for Full Size

A while ago I wrote about Urinelle, a device specially designed for women, to help them pee while standing. Today, reading my RSS feeds I stumbled upon Dragos Novac‘s version of Urinelle. It’s called ‘She Pee‘ and it’s pretty similar to the former. Instructions below.


And yes, it’s about Civic duty also, because It was erected by charity WaterAid to raise awareness about their mission “to overcome poverty by enabling the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education”.

Today’s Joke

Comes all the way from Bistrita via Trollii:

A Chinese walks into a bar in America late one night and he sees Steven Spielberg. As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for his autograph. Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says:

– “You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbour, get outta here.”

The astonished Chinese man replied:

– “It was not the Chinese who bombed your Pearl Harbour, it was the Japanese”.

– “Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, you’re all the same!” replied Spielberg. In return, the Chinese gives Spielberg a slap and says:

– “You sank the Titanic, my forefathers were on that ship.”

Shocked, Spielberg replies:

– “It was the iceberg that sank the ship, not me.”

The Chinese replies,

– “Iceberg, Spielberg, Carlsberg, you’re all the same for me.”

Rammstein… Links!

Every morning, after I get some coffee, I just sit with Carmen 2 and try to get a hold of what’s been happening the last few hours I’ve been sleeping. Today is not about Rammstein, it’s about links. Things I’ve read, things I thought were interesting, just stuff.

First of all, I have no clue why I’m writing in English today, considering most of the links will be in Romanian, but hee I go:


  • Licurici wrote about the Rohia Monastery, a story that got my attention after the first few words, because it had something about it, “quelque chose du cachet” if you remember the French phrase. But here it is: Povestea manastirii Rohia. Liku, you really need to add a search option on your blog.
  • Sergiu Biris, from Trilulilu told us about the problems Trilulilu is facing, and I decided we are all going to support him. RIGHT?! Here is the story, again in Romanian: Ba da, inteleg (Congrats on the Internetics award!!!)
  • Via Groparu we learn about a young Italian man who thought that if Romanians can steal in Italy, he can steal in Romania: Cetăţean italian prins la furat

Now that’s about it, things I thought were interesting. I think that most of you read already about Ion Iliescu and his new blog. Well, he is also available on Twitter now: Talking about Web 2.0 and how to gain some more votes… *schmuck*

PS: The wonderful Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 BETA is refusing to let me set my own status… 🙁 And the avatar is not working either… Come on Yahoo! team, throw a new release at me!


BEC – BEST Engineering Competition


Toamna aceasta, BEST Cluj-Napoca, (Board of European Students of Technology, din Cluj) organizeaza un nou eveniment, numit BEC – BEST Engineering Competition. Mai multe detalii dupa o scurta prezentare BEST. (sau aici)
Cred ca marea majoritate ati auzit de BEST, sau cel putin de evenimentele pe care le organizeaza:

  • JobShop – Suna cunoscut? cred ca poate fi cu usurinta numit primul targ de forta de munca organizat de altcineva decat AJOFM (poate ma insel, dar nu cred), eveniment care se organizeaza de vreo 13 ani la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor in Cluj-Napoca.
  • PcParty – Festival Multimedia, o retea mare de calculatoare, internet gratuit 2 zile, competitii de jocuri etc.
  • Cursuri de Sezon – eveniment oferit strict studentilor din Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, care permit acestora sa calatoreasca in Europa, destul de ieftin, si sa participe la cursuri pe diferite tematici timp de 7 – 14 zile, sa intre in contact cu alta cultura decat cea romaneasca, si sa se intoarca cu o multime de experiente noi in tara.

Dar bineineles, mai multe despre toate acestea veti gasi pe site-ul BEST Cluj-Napoca:

Acum, ce este BEC?

In anul 2000, BEST impreuna cu CFES (Federatia Canadiana a Studentilor Ingineri) au stabilit o colaborare de succes. unul dintre rezultatele acestei colaborari este competitia inginereasca (Best Engineering Competition), un eveniment ce reuneste in canada 51000 de studenti ingineri. Prima competitie inginereasca CFES a avut loc la Universitatea Waterloo in anul 1985, anul acesta ajungand la a 22-a editie. primul eveniment Best Engineering Competition organizat in Europa a avut loc in Eindhoven, Olanda, in anul 2003. Elementele cheie ale Best Engineering Competition sunt:
-Munca in echipa
-Abilitatile tehnice
-Abilitatile de prezentare si negociere
Acest proiect completeaza legatura creata deja de BEST intre studenti, companii si universitate.

Agenda BEC

Ziua 1 – 19 noiembrie – Ziua Procter&Gamble
Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare

Ziua 2 – 20 noiembrie – Ziua Siemens
Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare

Ziua 3 – 21 noiembrie – Ziua National Instruments
Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare

Ziua 4 – 22 noiembrie – Ziua Eckerle Gruppe
Facultatea de Mecanica

Ziua 5 – 23 noiembrie – Ziua BEST
Facultatea de Mecanica

Daca v-am atras atentia, aruncati o vizita pe site-ul evenimentului (daca va plictisiti, incercati sa va jucati cu rotitele 😉 )

Battlestar Galactica: Razor

BSG LogoI followed the series, I enjoyed the series, and I was waiting for the 4th season with my fingers crossed. Long time until April, but they surprised me pleasantly when Razor got out. Many people I spoke with did not like it, the way the camera moved, the dialogues, the fact that the story was dragging in the last season, but except the former, I think everything is part of the BSG charm. Cursing with “frak/frack“, or all those reports, notebooks, pictures or whatever piece of paper in the movie with the severed corners, making it “unique”.

Razor covers two time lines, the present, where Lee Adama becomes the Pegasus “Actual” and the adventures of Battlestar Pegasus in the 10 months between the attack on the colonies and the rendezvous with Battlestar Galactica through flashbacks, but I’m not going to spoil it here… I’ll let you decide for yourselves.

I don’t do movie reviews usually, but then again, this is not a movie… this is starting to become a saga, and deserves a special place in my “favorites list” right near Star Trek, Stargate and some others. Anyhow, this opened up my appetite for movie/series reviews, so I’m adding two new categories to my cloud: Movies & Tv.

Internet Explorer vs. Firefox

It sounds bad huh? everyone talked about it, and probably will talk about it some more…

You know that some people requested that Microsoft removed Internet Explorer from the Windows install CD’s? Yes, they did. Do you know what Microsoft replied? Some of you know, some of you probably don’t, so here is what they said:

We can’t remove Internet Explorer from the windows install, because, if we do, you won’t be able to download Firefox…

Well, I’m not here to take sides, I’ve been using Firefox for some years now, and I like it, I’m using it, I almost love it. But today I decided to download Internet Explorer 7. Guess what I used to download IE? Firefox of course…

Why did I do it? Well, I’m kind of sick of the memory leaks in Firefox, and the recent hiccups I’ve been experiencing, and since I have to use Windows for work, why not give a chance to IE also, and try the software that’s supposed to be “compatible”.

I’ll just give it a chance, for now.

You will know that I switched to Internet Explorer from Firefox, when this webpage will be Internet Explorer 100% compatible.

Also, using Office 2007 for the past weeks, made me like it quite a bit. Today I just added some of my RSS feeds to it, right next to the 5 IMAP accounts I’m using at the moment, if all goes well, I might change to it indefinitely… Bye bye Google Reader…

For wordpress users: If you didn’t update to WordPress 2.3.1 yet, do it. It’s nice.

Yahoo Messenger 9, BETA

msg9_b1_client_4.jpgAt first, let me say that BETA this, BETA that, I’m getting sick of all the BETA… Everybody is using the word BETA slammed on anything, or any kind of software, website and so on… but enough ranting.

Yahoo Messenger, is quite a popular piece of software nowadays. I like it and I don’t like it. I have to use it for work, and beats the hell out of ticket systems, when communication is real time, but I hate using it in personal matters… all the smiley’s and emoticons in the world, won’t give it that “personal” feeling a nice face to face conversation brings, or even a phone call.

I found out today via that the guys over at Yahoo managed to get to version 9 of the Yahoo Messenger. I wasn’t able to download it, and play with it. They have a nice movie showing off the new stuff they implemented. Lots of it useless in my opinion, but it’s the eye candy that does the trick. I just wish they did something with the Linux version also, but in the meanwhile, never mind, Pidgin is here!
You can see the video here.

Later Edit: Downloaded, installed, looks dandy… nice themes, I don’t like the detailed list features, I prefer single row / contact. Same old commercial at the bottom, and they didn’t do anything to the archive, and that’s a disappointment. They don’t show your name or your friend’s name on every line they type, which is cool, but I’m too tired right now… going to sleep.

Tigara de dimineata

Daca imi spunea cineva acum 6 luni ca eu o sa traversez in fiecare zi gara din Cluj ca sa ajung la servici, radeam vorba aia cu curu’ si ii spuneam sa nu mai faca glume. Uite am ajuns sa traversez gara zilnic, mai prin pasaj, mai peste linii, cum am chef. Daca am tigari la mine, trec prin pasaj. Daca nu am, se schimba povestea, trebuie sa merg la magazinul de langa statia de autobuz, care nu este tocmai langa statia de tramvai, sa imi iau tigari, si implicit pasajul nu mai e o optiune… dar in fine, despre altceva vroiam sa scriu.

Am fost la nunta Dobrestilor acum cateva saptamani bune, la Bucuresti ( Nunta a fost sambata, duminica seara am pornit inapoi spre Cluj. Evident ca am ajuns prea tarziu la gara, si casa de bilete nu mai are bilete… “A trecut termenu dom’le… vedeti la seful de tren” imi spune acra CeFeRista de la ghiseu. Mergem la seful de tren, care era o alta CeFeRista acra si o intrebam ce si cum… “pai dom’le, e scump… e scump…” “Dar nu putem sa ne… intelegem?!?” zic eu de colo, sperand sa transform toata problema intr-o situatie fericita (platit bilet normal, venit la clasa I-a etc etc etc ca doar am mai facut asta) dar ea de colo “Nu si Nu ca Batman Batman”. No stress, mergem cu urmatorul, peste 3 ore…avem vreme sa luam bilete.

Ce extragem din povestea asta? S-au cumintit dom’le oamenii! Nu se mai da spaga pe CeFeRe! asta nu poate fi decat de bine ma gandesc…

Revenind la povestea cu traversatul garii, azidimineata la ora 7, statea “parcat” ca nu imi place cum suna “garat” ceva accelerat/rapid ticsit numai cu vagoane de dormit, cusete si alte cele, prin care nu se prea poate trece… eram departe de pasaj, deci vroiam sa trec peste linii, dar de unde… si mergand eu agale pe langa acest superb tren, la fiecare vagon e coborat cate un CeFeRist tuciuriu, sefu de “vagon”, ca asa e dom’le la vagonul de dormit. Nu mai ai sef de tren, ca ai sef de vagon… el face legea. Si ma uitam la usi, daca pot sa trec dintr-o parte in alta, deschis doar pe o parte peste tot. Rand pe rand, 3 dintre ei, cu ecuson frumos in piept ma intreaba: “Mergi la Oradea?!?”, “Ce vagon cauti? Hai la mine!”, “Unde vrei sa mergi flacau?” Astia trei erau la distanta de 1 vagon unul de altul, si eu incercam morocanos sa le explic ca nu am de gand sa parasesc Clujul, nu azi cel putin…

Deci? concluzia finala: se da spaga in continuare, daca vorbesti frumos cu ei si scapi o hartiuta plasticata in mana care trebuie poti sa fumezi relaxat, si mizeria e aceeasi… Hai sictir… Ma duc cu stopul!

PS: Multumesc Ania pentru cadoul de aseara!

PPS: Inca o data La Multi Ani Fenomentalului, si mersi de meci aseara… o sa scriu alta data cand ma enervez mai tare despre imbecilii aia care se comportau ca si cum ar fi avut tricoul meu pe ei…