Websites: new, old, useful, funny etc.

Well, I believe we all have our habits on the web. And by habits, I mean things we do, tools we use, things we laugh at.

I spend most of my day online, due to my line of work and thus I use lots of sites and tools offered by these sites. Also, everyday I get spammed with lots of crap by mail or instant messenger, so I decided to compile a list of sites I visit. Because of the quantit, i decided to add a maximum of 10 links for each category.

And of course, now I got bored, and I’m leaving the list open… Do you want me to add some stuff here? post a comment.

Ubuntu resolution and sound

Eye candy as it is, Ubuntu+Beryl on my Acer TravelMate 2482NWXMi didn’t allow a resolution change higher than 1024×768. The problem is solved with the 915resolution package. So, if you have the same problem I was facing, just install the package, restart your X server and voilà: 1280×800.

Search for the package:

marius@OliveJuice:~$ sudo aptitude update

marius@OliveJuice:~$ sudo aptitude upgrade

marius@OliveJuice:~$ aptitude search 915resolution
p 915resolution - resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset

Install the package:

marius@OliveJuice:~$ sudo aptitude install 915resolution

And now restart your X server by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace on your keyboard, or just reboot Ubuntu. After restarting X, or reboting, go to System > Preferences > Screen Resolution, and select 1280×800.

My second problem today with my lappy, was that I tried watching a movie and couldn’t do it without plugging in my headphones since my laptop speakers wouldn’t work. Everything was fine with a jack plugged in, but the speakers just didn’t want to work, so I did a little bit of digging. First off, let’s see our sound cards:

marius@OliveJuice:~$ lspci | grep Audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)

If this matches, you should be on the right path, by following up here. I found on the Ubuntu Bug tracker bug number #94373. Long story told short, I read there, modified 1 file, and voilà: I have sound on the laptop speakers.

root@OliveJuice:~# echo "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
root@OliveJuice:~ # rmmod snd-hda-intel
root@OliveJuice:~# modprobe snd-hda-intel

The important thing here, is the first command, the echo redirected to the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file. It adds the snd_hda_intel model=auto. The rmmod command might say that the module is in use, and cannot be unloaded, but that’s hardly a problem. Just reboot, and your speakers should work. Mine sure did.

Now, that was easy wasn’t it? tweak here, tweak there, and thanks to the Open Source community out there, amost everything can be fixed in a matter of minutes if someone already had that problem, or in a matter of days, if this is a new bug. Developers are always ready to help out.

Last night Alexandra wanted a song so much, that I decided to look for it. It’s “Lissie – Bright Side“. The reason for this was this commercial: or, the second version:
Gotta wrap it up now, since my Whisher Beta Tester invite mail just popped into my inbox, and I was looking forward to that since yesterday.

Tha! Tha! and don’t forget, Wireless is FUN! 😉

Code monkey

Aveam o problema cu un debian zilele trecute:

# aptitude update
Fetched 5562B in 13s (421B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

In mod normal problema ar putea fi rezolvata cu un simplu:

# apt-key update

ne spune Kurt Fitzner dar la mine nu a functionat. Am mai sapat un pic, ca nu se poate sta asa cu warningurile pe ecran fara sa faci nimic, si am ajuns pe pagina lui Alexey Kovyrin care are o alta solutie care functioneaza:

# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
# apt-key add /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
# apt-get update

Erorile au disparut, aptitude functioneaza corect acum.

Evident, poate ca o sa imi spui acum “Dar de ce folosesti aptitude, si nu folosesti good ol' apt-get?” Pai raspunsul este extrem de simplu… RTFM… dar o sa imi zici “mi-e leneeee...” ok atunci, pe scurt:

Reason: “In some cases, the use of aptget for installing packages
instead of aptitude might make aptitude consider a package as “unused”
and schedule it for removal.” [Debian Etch Release Notes, Chapter

sau arunca o privire pe aici:

Deci, daca tot nu v-am convins, have fun with your good ol’ apt-get and don’t blame me when the fat lady yells she doesn’t have all her dependencies met…

Sa trecem acum la chestii mai serioase, un clip pe YouTube azi m-a facut sa zambesc, chiar daca eu nu sunt un “code monkey” ci mai mult un “admin monkey” 😉 … Enjoy!

Ubuntu + Beryl Screenshots

Se pare ca am descoperit ceva ce nu merge la ubuntu+beryl: nu pot sa fac screenshoturi in timp ce rotesc desktopurile… ies niste chestii de groaza, asa ca am recurs la o metoda mai putin ortodoxa… am facut poze cu aparatul meu…

Imaginile sunt in ordine:

Cam atat ca deja am pus 2 posturi azi… deja ma intrec 😉

Numai bine, si noapte buna!



Ubuntu 7.04

Acum ceva vreme, eram mandrul “instalator” al unui Mac OSX 10.4.6 pe un laptop Acer TravelMate 2482NWXMi. Experienta a fost minunata, lots of eye candy, o gramada de chestii noi, frumoase, utile, rapide etc. etc. etc. A fost prima mea experienta cu Mac OSX mai mult decat o privire sau cateva clickuri, asa ca eram multumit, si drawbackurile erau 2 majore, dar destul de nesemnificative:

  • nu imi mergea placa Ethernet (pe fir) But I’m a wireless geek… era nasol insa cand nu aveam nici un acces point in zona, si
  • nu mergea sunetul pe iesirea jack, dar mergea pe boxele incorporate, deci no stress nici acolo. Nu prea ascult muzica la laptop. Am in zona un noise maker mai suparat de obicei.

S-a intamplat totusi sa pun mana pe un MacBook si un iBook de la mama lor Steve Jobbs, chestie care a facut ca install-ul meu sa para penibil…

Concluzia? dezinstalarea Mac OSX, si revenirea la obiectul muncii, Linux. Mai precis un Ubuntu 7.04, mersi Dan pentru Live CD!! Bineinteles ca tot Eye-Candy’ul care mi l-a bagat in cap Mac OSX’ul trebuia “recuperat” cumva, asa ca, dupa un pic de documentare, citit cateva forumuri, solutia s-a dovedit a fi Beryl. Daca nu ai auzit de Beryl inca, exista un filmulet pe YouTube care merita vazut. Desigur un search dupa BERYL pe YouTube o sa gaseasca multe alte filmulete care merita vazute.

Everyting looking good, me happy 😀
